Female Instructors on Mumbai local Train practice Yoga to Commemorate International Women's Day
By: WE Staff | Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Heal-Station organized the initiative of performing Yoga anytime anywhere in collaboration with the Western Railway. On Wednesday 8 March 2023, several female instructors performed Yoga on the local trains of Mumbai to commemorate both International Women's Day and Holi.
Various Yoga instructors from Mumbai who conduct yoga classes practiced different forms of Yoga while wearing 'sarees' to convey a strong message that yoga can be practiced at any time, anywhere, and in any costume, you are carrying.
This initiative was mainly conducted to improve health conditions in females. The Heal Station and the Western Railway collaborated to conduct this noble programme which carried over 20 yoga instructors from all over the city of Mumbai. Besides performing Yoga, the instructors also distributed pamphlets and flyer's to the passengers and advised the female travelers about their health conditions and improving their health by performing Yoga daily.