E-Mobility Pilot Program launched to Empower Rural Women Entrepreneurs
By: WE Staff | Thursday, 1 February 2024
In collaboration with the Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA), the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) have initiated an innovative rural e-mobility demonstration pilot program aimed at empowering women entrepreneurs. Through the use of electric vehicles (EVs), the pilot seeks to improve air quality, increase transportation equity, and improve rural livelihoods. The beneficiaries of this pilot were chosen based on several factors, such as the ownership status of the vehicle, basic driving abilities, availability of clean energy sources for EV charging, regularity of long-distance travel, cost of commuting, and usage of the vehicle to enhance livelihood. The women entrepreneurs in the districts of Anand, Gujarat, and Dungarpur, Rajasthan, have received electric two-wheelers.
The initiative aims to advocate the rural communities and expand outreach to marginalized and unserved communities and regions. The 50KEV4ECO flagship EV program from SIDBI would be crucial in increasing EV adoption in the nation's rural areas. Two-wheelers have historically been the primary form of motorized transportation in rural India, where almost two-thirds of the country's population lives.
NRDC understands the value of such pilot programs in fostering community confidence in EVs by serving for more than a decade with women residing in rural India. It attempts to provide important insights for policymakers and demonstrate how a fair and just transition to sustainable transportation may be accomplished.
SEWA's 'Swachch Aakash: Cleaner Skies Campaign' launched on its 50th anniversary, promoting green asset creation, sustainable mobility, and livelihood strengthening. The pilot launch saw manufacturers demonstrating products and discussing maintenance, empowering women in rural areas.