COWE to set up Aveksha Day Care Centers for Women in Industrial Sectors
By: WE Staff | Monday, 22 April 2024
COWE plans to set up Aveksha Day Care Centers across India in industrial corridors for the benefit of the women working in the Industrial sectors. Aveksha is a National Project initiated by the Confederation of Women Entrepreneurs of India (COWE) and SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India) and is not just limited to Telangana. After completing the 20 centers in Telangana, our vision is to have Aveksha centers across INDIA informed by a COWE in a press note issued today.
COWE just inaugurated, AVEKSHA, a four-day care center, for children of women workers working especially in the industrial sector and the underprivileged sections of society. These four centers were inaugurated in Hyderabad at four different locations such as Alkapuri, Santoshnagar, Durganagar, and Suraram.
SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India), is the Principal Financial Institution for the Promotion, Financing, and Development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector as well as for the coordination of functions of institutions engaged in similar activities. SIDBI is an organization set up under an Act of the Indian Parliament, supporting operation costs, and by TSIIC and CSR of private corporations towards setting up costs.
Aveksha, which means ‘To Take Care Of’ is a daycare facility meant for children of women workers, especially in the industrial sector and the underprivileged sections of society. Rich people and white-collared employees can afford to send their kids to Day Care Centers. Some IT employees have pre-schools at their workplaces. But, what about the poor Industrial workers? Thanks to COWE and SIDBI, the poor women working in the industrial sector now have Aveksha daycare centers for their children.
With the SIDBI Partnership, COWE will set up 20 daycare centers across Telangana state. With these four centers, it has 12 centers now. One of these centers also includes a 1st Day Care Centre for construction workers. All these daycare centers enable both parents to work. COWE and SIDBI will set up 8 more shortly, stated the press note.