Constable Meenakshi Verma made Home Minister of MP for A Day
By: WE Staff | Wednesday, 10 March 2021
"I have given my chair to Meenakshi Verma for the day on the occasion of #InternationalWomensDay," says, Narrotam Mishra, Home Minister, Madhya Pradesh.
On March 8th, marking the occasion of International women's Day, Meenakshi Verma, a constable, temporarily took over the seat of Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra.
It is reported that Meenakshi Verma is stationed at Mishra'soffice residence under security. To her surprise, she was made one day Home Minister of Madhya Pradesh. She addressed many issues faced by the general public, guided by the Home Minister, she took some important decisions and highlighted certain issues to the now Home minister of the state.
“If we want strength, then we go to Maa Durga. The culture is uplifted when we respect women,” said, Mishra.
Meenakshi also gave some special instructions to DGP and ADGP who were shocked to see her instead of Mishra at his seat.
This move was unexpected by the public including Meenakshi Verma. After knowing the reason, the public appreciated the gesture and supported it wholeheartedly.
This welcoming gesture symbolized women’s empowerment and it gave a positive message to the public.
Madhya Pradesh has taken many measures to empower women in the state. Some are:
Beti Bachao Abhiyan: The overall goal of this program is to celebrate the birth of a girl child and enable her education.
Ladli Laxmi Yojna: A conditional money transfer scheme. Under the scheme, on the birth of a girl child, a sum of Rupees 6,000 will be deposited in the name of the girl. rupees 2000, 4000, and 6000 will be disbursed to the girl child on reaching Standard VI, IX, and XII, respectively. e age of 21, a sum of rupees 100,000 will be given to the girl for marriage.
Lado campaign: scheme to eradicate the malpractice of child marriage.
On the same day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to tweeter saying “Saluting our indomitable #NariShakti on International Women’s Day! India takes pride in the many accomplishments of the women of our nation. It is our Government’s honor to be getting the opportunity to work towards furthering women Empowerment across a wide range of sectors.”