ASHA workers Urge Government to understand the plight of ASHA workers & Render Requisite Benifits
By: WE STAFF | Monday, 27 June 2022
The third State Conference of ASHA workers was held recently in Srinagar. The meeting was inaugurated by UshaKumari, President of All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWAH) and saw attendance of several delegates from across the Kashmir region.
The participants in the conference expressed serious concerns over the plight of ASHA workers of the region.
Surekha, leader of All India Coordination Committee of ASHA Workers (AICCAW) addressed the conference and expressed her concern over the insensitivity of the J&K administration and Government of India towards the plight of ASHAs. Attached to the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), the ASHAs are the first line of workers for any health-related demands of deprived sections of the population, especially women and children in rural areas. Their duties involve community development through healthcare awareness and increasing utilization of the existing health services.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic the workload of ASHAs has increased tremendously. Both the Central and state governments involve them in contract tracing COVID-19 patients, providing access to testing & vaccination facilities, along with spreading door-to-door awareness among other work.
Surekhaappealed to the government to regularize the services of these ASHA workers, and pay them 12,000 honorarium. She also asked for them to be provide with maternity &medical benefits, give compensation to those who passed away while discharging COVID duties, provide mobile phones, social security for these workers and give priority to them while recruiting ANMs.
A R Sindhu, general secretary, All India Federation ofAnganwadi Workers and Helpers addressed the meeting and said that the services of ASHAs are undoubtedly the most essential in today’s time. Unfortunately the hopes of ASHAs of even being recognized as a ‘worker’ have not yet been met.
UshaKumari, President, All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers spoke about the need to build strong organization at village level which will force the government to act upon the long pending demands of the ASHAs.She urged upon the government to pay heed to their genuine demands including enhancement & timely disbursement of honorarium, six hour duty per day, supply of special kits, social security benefits like EPF and pension, etc.