Aon India report finds 42% Indian Women face Workplace Bias

Aon India report finds 42% Indian Women face Workplace Bias

By: WE Staff | Thursday, 1 August 2024

A recent study by Aon India titled 'Voice of Women Study India' found that 42 per cent of Indian women experience workplace bias, 37 per cent encounter insensitive behavior, and 6 per cent experience sexual harassment, however, less than half reported. These challenges affect career progression and job satisfaction. The study suggests organizations should implement policies, create an inclusive work culture, and implement training programs to create a supportive environment for women.

Aon's 2024 Study, the largest survey in India, surveyed 24,000 professional women across 560 companies, revealing workplace challenges and inclusivity. 90 per cent of women are motivated to work longer hours, but many face bias and insensitive behavior. 75 per cent of working mothers face career setbacks after maternity leaves, 40 per cent face pay issues, and 34 per cent face leadership role discrimination.

Bias intensifies as women advance in their careers, with those who face bias being 3.5 times more likely to perceive their organizational experience as unfair. However, a study suggests that 53 per cent of women employees having visible female leaders in leadership roles positively impacts their perceptions of feeling secure and confident, 52 per cent positively impact workplace culture, reducing unfairness in key processes, whereas 41 per cent look at them as role models.