70% of Indian Women Grapple with Menstrual Health Woes, PCOS Looms Large
By: WE Staff | Thursday, 14 September 2023
Gynoveda, the world's first Ayurveda FemTech brand, completed India's largest-ever period health survey in an endeavour. The survey, which included the replies of 300,000 women aged 18 to 45, revealed frightening numbers, underscoring the severe menstrual health challenges that Indian women confront.
The survey's major findings suggest that over 70% of Indian women in the given age range face menstrual health issues. The prevalence, severity, and somatic changes linked with menstruation health were used to divide respondents into three categories.
The study's most shocking finding is that 70% of participants suffer from menstruation abnormalities such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Approximately 26% of women experienced vaginal pain, infections, or abnormalities impairing their quality of life. Only 4% of those polled reported to have no menstrual difficulties.
One notable finding is the high frequency of PCOS, especially among women aged 25 to 34, where 60% of respondents reported having this disorder. Even more troubling is the fact that PCOS affects 51% of women under the age of 24. This evidence dispels the myth that PCOS is age-related and underlines its influence on fertility, with National Institute of Health (Government of India) studies indicating infertility rates ranging from 70% to 80% among women with PCOS.
While PCOS is still a major worry, the Gynoveda research throws light on other gynaecological illnesses that plague women in India. PCOS is the most common, affecting around 54% of the women polled. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) comes in second, affecting 17% of the female population, while Candidiasis affects 9%, Fibroid affects 5%, and Endometrial Hyperplasia affects 1%.
The poll also revealed problems with menstrual irregularity and discomfort during menstruation. An overwhelming 83% of women reported difficult periods, necessitating the use of pain relievers each month. 58% said their discomfort was low and tolerable, while 25% said it was severe. 76% of women had irregular periods with little flow.
Furthermore, nearly half of the women reported using only 5 pads during their menstrual cycle, significantly less than the suggested 10 to 12 pads for a healthy menstrual flow. PCOS also has physical and emotional consequences, with 60% of women reporting weight increase, 59% suffering excessive facial hair growth, and 55% experiencing acne-like skin issues. 51% of respondents were concerned about pigmentation and other hormonal skin concerns.
"The strategically designed period test, complemented by insights from doctors, customers, and respondents, ensures accuracy and efficacy," said Rachana Gupta, Co-founder at Gynoveda, who conducted the research. Gynoveda has impressively changed over 200,000 lives in just three years since its beginning by utilising the findings from this test and combining them with Ayurvedic remedies and medical assistance."
This survey has highlighted the complex obstacles that women encounter while coping with menstrual health disorders, emphasising the critical need for increased knowledge and comprehensive care. It also highlighted the complexities of PCOS as a hormonal condition. Gynoveda's purpose is to engage on a transforming journey to battle PCOS by understanding the multiple issues that afflicted women confront and assisting them towards holistic well-being through symptom mapping.