6 Women Congregations Come Together for 'Sisters Led Youth Initiatives' Project
By: WE Staff | Wednesday, 10 April 2024
Six women congregations in Bengaluru, India, have collaborated to empower youth at risk through the "Sisters Led Youth Initiatives" project, exemplifying synodality as envisioned by Pope Francis. The members of Apostolic Carmel, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians, Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes.
Sr. Jane Wakahiu, the Director of the Catholic Sisters Initiative under the Conard N. Hilton Foundation, highlighted the significant role that Indian women play in religiously empowering vulnerable youth during the graduation ceremony for the inaugural batch, which mostly consisted of women. She further emphasized that their aim is to encourage the youth of India to see big dreams, engage in critical thinking, and take effortful measures. They also offer young people vital skills through vocational training, promoting their resilience and personal development.
The Hilton Foundation has provided funding to foster this collaborative measure which has impacted about 1,200 youth of India. Project Officer Sabrina Wong of the Hilton Foundation recognizes the unique efforts of the program, which unites different religious communities in an effort to empower young people. In addition to this, the Conference of Religious Women India released its five-year strategic plan. These ideas will impact the initiatives and strategies meant to empower women, children, and the poor in Indian society. These nuns aim to carry forward these initiatives with the themes, "we are for everyone" and "we are not alone."