
NPO Aaroogya Conducted Online Session with Women Players to Raise...
The year 2020 and the circumstances related to coronavirus pandemic and other...

Codeyoung, an Edtech startup dedicated to introducing coding to K12...
Codeyoung, a start-up that provides live online coding classes to K12 students, has...

SEBI Eying Gender Equality, May Seek Data...
Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), in...
BY: WE STAFFNetApp and Zinnov study heralds B2B tech startups as key...
NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP), the global cloud-led, data-centric software company,...
BY: WE StaffPega India Expands Leadership Team with Deepak...
Pegasystems Inc., the software company empowering digital transformation at...
BY: PRESS RELEASEFemale workforce participation increased from 30 Percent in April to reach 37 Percent at the end of July: LinkedIn
LinkedIn, the world’s largest online professional network, today announced findings of the second edition of the ‘Labour Market Update’, a monthly update on hiring trends and insights based on LinkedIn's Economic Graph, a digital representation
BY: PRESS RELEASECentre Released Rs. 6,790 crore for YSR Cheyutha Scheme that Focuses on Financial Assistance to Women
Andhra Pradesh Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy on Monday said that Rs. 6,790 crores have been released on September 11 for the YSR Cheyutha scheme, under which women are given Rs. 18,750 cash for handholding for their business needs.
BY: WE STAFFWomen Business Successors - Transferring Power in the Family Businesses
‘Never underestimate the power of a woman’, the aforementioned sentence is not merely a quote, it is actually a fact that everyone should believe, understand and follow. Things have changed, we are post the days when our society was dominated by