
The 65th Session of the UN Commission Calls for Equality for Women...

The 65th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) that was conducted...

Bowie Lau's MaGEHold makes Maiden Investment in India; Backs B2B...

The bangalore-based shared economy startup, Settlrs has raised an undisclosed amount in...

Epic Games' Unreal Engine launches Women...

American video game developer and publisher Epic Games’ has announced,...

BY: WE Staff

SEBI Introduces Amendments to Ensure Gender Neutrality &...

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has approved several...

BY: WE Staff

TSWRDC Launches Sabala Hubs for Women Entrepreneurs

Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society...

BY: WE Staff

Sharmin Ali's Deeptech Startup Instoried raises Funding from Rockstud Capital

Bangalore-based content intelligence platform, Instoriedhas raised an undisclosed amount of funding from Rockstud Capital.

BY: WE Staff

HexGn Launches Startup Ready Programme for Women Entrepreneurs

HexGn, an online startup pre-accelerator in collaboration with Invest India has launched a new programme for women entrepreneurs called "Startup Ready Programme".

BY: WE Staff

YES BANK & SHEROES launch YES Essence Plus Accelerator To Support Women Entrepreneurs

YES BANK announced the launch of YES Essence Plus, an accelerator program to support women-led startups in partnership with SHEROES, the women-only social network.

BY: WE Staff

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