
Anupama Puchimanda, India's first international women's hockey...

Its been more than a year since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has taken many...

Sushmita Sen Receives Champions Of Change Award

Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen, on Friday night, revealed that she was conferred with...

Time to Select a Women Chief Justice of...

The time had come when a woman should be the Chief Justice of India says SA...

BY: WE Staff

Nathi Mthetwa Announced a Cash Prize of R500,000 for...

The South African Sports Minister Nathi Mthetwa has announced the cash prize...

BY: WE Staff

India calls for Strengthening UNSC Sanctions regimes to...

India has called for the UN Security Council's sanctions regimes to be...

BY: WE Staff

Kerala HC gives Muslim Women right to Reverse Talaq

The Kerala high court, overturning a 1972 decision, has restored Muslim women's right to divorce without turning to legal proceedings.

BY: WE Staff

President Biden Elects Two India American Women to Key Admin Positions

US President Joe Biden announced the appointment of Meera Joshi and Radhika Fox, two American Indian women to central administration positions.

BY: WE Staff

RajyaSabha Passes Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill 2021

The RajyaSabha has passed the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2021. The Bill that seeks to amend the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971 will enhance the reproductive rights of women in India.

BY: WE Staff

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