4th Edition of TiE Nagpur's TiE Women Pitching Competition now accepting applications
By: WE Staff | Tuesday, 9 May 2023
The TiE Women Pitching Competition Year-4 was introduced on May 6 in the Laburnum Hall, Chitnavis Centre, Nagpur. Poonam Lala, Chairperson of the Lady Entrepreneurs Wing of the Vidarbha Industrial Association (VIA), and Bhagyashree Deshpande, Director of Academics at the Abhyudaya Global Village School, launched TiE Women Year-4.
Poonam Lala addressed all the business people and entrepreneurs by sharing her experiences to promote women's entrepreneurship. Bhagyashree Deshpande discussed her experiences from a corporate worker to the Director of the Abhyudaya Global Village School, which serves 22 villages around Nagpur and provides knowledge through practical and live examples.
Dr Tejinder Singh Rawal, Chairperson of TiE Nagpur's Core Committee, presented his gratitude to Convener Poonam Khandelwal, and Neeraja Kartik for their support.
TiE Nagpur is accepting applications for its Year-4 Competition for TiE Nagpur's TiE Women Pitching. The applications will be open till June 5, 2023. The competition will be held in two stages, Chapter level, and Global level.
All of the nominated candidates will get masterclasses, one-on-one mentoring, and feedback sessions at the chapter level, with a chapter finale.
The chapter winners will have the chance to meet the other chapter winners at the Global level. They can connect to global mentors, accelerator sessions, and the finale at TGS Singapore.