30 Percent Quota for Women from Uttarakhand in Civil Services: Court
By: WE Staff | Thursday, 25 August 2022
Women with state-resident domiciles are guaranteed a 30% reservation in state public services, the Uttarakhand High Court declared on Wednesday while suspending a 2006 ruling.
These instructions were given during a hearing of a petition brought by more than a dozen female candidates from outside the state who fall under the unreserved category by a bench consisting of Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice RC Khulbe.
According to the appeal, which was cited by the news agency, these female candidates were not permitted to show up for the state civil services main examination despite exceeding the cut-off established for domicile women of the state in the preliminary test held on April 3 of this year.
The petitioners' attorney, Kartikey Hari Gupta, claimed that the state government's decree dated July 24, 2006, regarding the reservation for women, violated Articles 14, 16, 19, and 21 of the Constitution.
Additionally, he claimed that it was discriminatory to deny the disgruntled female candidates the opportunity to take the main examination. He further stated that the state government lacked the authority to offer reservations based on residence.
According to Gupta, the Indian Constitution only permits residence-based reservations under an Act of Parliament.
Tripura: 33% of government posts are reserved for women. The Tripura government launched a number of programmes geared toward empowering women in March of this year, including job quotas, a venture capital fund for female entrepreneurs, and other measures.
For any position in the state government or in higher education, the Tripura administration has agreed to grant all women a 33% reservation. The Home Minister said that all women enrolling in Institutions of National Importance will receive a 3% interest waiver on loans, if taken.
In Tripura, almost 50% of the venture capital budget is set aside to support female entrepreneurs.