
Patang's Samata Cup Kicks for Gender Equality
The social organization Patang orchestrated the Samata Cup, a mixed football tournament...

815 Ladakh Women visit Rural areas Ensuring Safe Drinking Water
Ladakh women are working tirelessly towards the supply of safe drinking water for...

HP Contributes Highest Share of Women in...
Himachal Pradesh emerges as a beacon of progress, showcasing the highest...
BY: WE StaffDr. G Krishnapriya appointed as CEO for Trichy
On Wednesday, Dr. G Krishnapriya took on the leadership duties of the Trichy...
BY: WE StaffPetroleum Minister Inaugurates Hockey India Senior Women...
Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas & Housing and Urban Affairs, Shri...
BY: WE StaffDeborah Elizabeth Lauds India's Role in G20
Praising India's recognition of Africa's pivotal role in global platforms like the G20, Deborah Elizabeth, the founder of Women United Foundation (WUF),
BY: WE StaffBRMGM College & IQAC cell Conduct Seminar on Indian Women
A two-day national seminar on the theme of "Achievements of Indian Women: with reference to Villages, Youth Environment, Defense, and Economy"
BY: WE StaffPatricia Hill Collins Awarded $1 Million Berggruen Prize
Patricia Hill Collins has been honoured with the prestigious Berggruen Prize for Philosophy, a substantial $1 million award recognizing her groundbreaking
BY: WE Staff