'Women will Lead India to Glory in the 21st Century' says PM Modi at Shivamogga Rally
By: WE Staff | Monday, 8 May 2023
On Sunday, 7 May 2023, PM Modi addressed the people of Shivamogga and stated that the Women of India will bring glory to the nation in the 21st Century as they are excelling in all fields. He mentioned that "Women’s power will lead India to Glory in this 21st Century".
He targeted the opposition party, Congress, and said that they did not execute anything for women to empower girls’ education while it was ruling.
Most of the girls dropped out of their schools due to a lack of necessities. There were not even separate washrooms for them. However, BJP launched a campaign and provided all the requirements for the girls and their education.
He further mentioned that BJP is continuously working on the safety and security of girls’ education so that they did not have to face any hurdles in their education. Girls can now study in the fields of science and technology due to new facilities. Females are even working in multinational industries and also starting their ventures. Females can also join military forces very conveniently.
He said BJP has removed all the issues that women faced for joining all three forces. For them, Sainik schools have also been opened.