Cover Story
Geeta Goti, Senior Vice President- People Team, Proarch is an influential leader in the HR industry who believes in empowering women and encourages them to build great careers for themselves. She is an excellent mentor who engages herself with people at all levels and coaches them on innovative leadership techniques for the long run. Read More
Chief People Officers are Stewards of Structured People...
Rachita Sharma, Managing Editor
Creative Campaigning is the new Form
Ramya Ramachandran, Founder & CEO,...
Womens Lucrative & Lasting Career in The Indian Media &...
Rachna Kanwar, Chief Operating...
Organizations must Adapt to a New Playbook of Reputation...
Sukanya Chakraborty, Global Head -...
The Four Tenets of Effective Leadership
Geetha Ramamoorthi, Managing...
Why Women are Important in AI?
Aruna Pattam, Head - AI & Data...