Vidushi Tayal: Unleashing The Power Of Digital Marketing To Achieve Business Objectives


Vidushi Tayal: Unleashing The Power Of Digital Marketing To Achieve Business Objectives

Vidushi Tayal: Unleashing The Power Of Digital Marketing To Achieve Business Objectives

Vidushi Tayal

Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving field that encompasses various strategies and techniques to promote and grow businesses in the online realm. It involves leveraging digital channels such as social media, search engines, email, and websites to connect with target audiences and drive engagement. In this dynamic landscape, Vidushi Tayal stands out as the visionary founder of Virtual Take, a Digital Marketing Studio based in Hyderabad, India. With her expertise and passion for creativity, Vidushi has been instrumental in empowering brands to thrive in the digital world. Vidushi's role has been pivotal in guiding businesses to navigate the complexities of the online realm and achieve their goals in an increasingly competitive market. Her dedication to creating meaningful content and her commitment to authenticity has made her a trusted partner for brands looking to make their mark in the digital space. Let’s hear more from her.

Can you share your educational background and previous industry experience that contributes to your expertise?

I started my journey as a Content Writer and progressed through various roles, including volunteering, freelancing, interning, and working as a Social Media Strategist. Now, I am the Founder of Virtual Take, a Digital Marketing Studio. The story behind Virtual Take is unique, and I get to create stories for multiple brands every day, making them captivating and engaging. Looking back, I have always been involved in events where generating and presenting business ideas were key, whether during my time at Glendale Academy International or the Summer School at the National University of Singapore. With a keen eye for detail, I strive to envision quirky and distinctive ideas for brands, bringing their stories to life through raw visual communication.

What inspired you to establish Virtual Take? Could you explain the underlying concept and the areas in which the company specializes?

The idea for Virtual Take emerged in 2021 with the aim of giving vulnerable brands a virtual voice and creating memorable designs. Our motto at Virtual Take is 'NOT. YOUR. ORDINARY. AGENCY.' We are all about creativity with a touch of quirkiness. While others may follow trends, we focus on telling your unique story. Instead of conforming, we strive to be authentic. In a world where others go loud, we aim to go deep. Our team of creative enthusiasts is dedicated to delivering designs with heart. In terms of services, we offer everything and anything for your brand, including Social Media Marketing, Brand Identity, Brand Strategy, Photography & Art Direction, Website Design & Google Ads, Packaging Design, Customized Invites, and all aspects of design.

What are the most significant challenges you face as a marketer in today's business landscape? How do you overcome these obstacles?

Well, starting and expanding a company has not been a smooth journey. There are various challenges, including competition, finding effective tactics while aligning with clients' expectations, and dealing with numerous change requests. However, I believe challenges are an integral part of any business. They push us to improve and surpass temporary obstacles. We thrive on avoiding dull moments, and despite the challenges we encounter, we remain relevant.

Our journey was not easy. We have built and rebuilt our team, evolved through different clientele, faced endless challenges, and some days are exhausting but one thing that never changes is our enthusiasm for creating meaningful content for brands every day. That's the only way we want it to be!

Please share the top three milestones you have achieved professionally. What is your success mantra as a business leader?

The first significant milestone we achieved as a company was establishing Virtual Take itself. Bringing dreams to life requires real courage. The second milestone is an ongoing achievement — every time a client or team member puts their trust in Virtual Take and becomes part of our family. The third milestone we have reached is learning to focus on one day at a time and concentrate. Our success mantra is to maintain consistency and importance. We take one design at a time and do not try to hurry something that we would want to create an impression with, using simple designs and a solid business strategy for each of our clients.

"Our Vision For Virtual Take's Next Phase Is To Inspire Brands To Share Untold Stories, Convey Emotions, & Raise Their Voices"

What is your vision for the next phase of growth for Virtual Take? Can you elaborate on the key areas of focus in driving the company's expansion?

Our vision for Virtual Take's next phase is to inspire brands to share untold stories, convey emotions, and raise their voices. We believe in the concept of being 'simple yet significant.' Our aim is to become the essential partner for brands that have a strong vision for themselves. We have expanded our services to include Customized Invites and other personalized designs, such as Wedding Invites and creative projects. We are here to leave a lasting impact and establish our presence in the industry. Rather than rushing, we believe in taking one step at a time, ensuring that our work endures over the long term. Progress may not always follow a linear path; it goes deeper.

How do you anticipate the evolution of the marketing landscape in India? Which industry trends do you believe will have the greatest impact in the coming years?

The trends of authenticity will continue to have a significant impact and remain constant in the Indian marketing landscape. Traditional marketing still holds its own importance, but digital marketing has experienced significant growth with the increasing number of online users. When people hear about a brand, their first instinct is to check the brand's Instagram page. That's the level of importance it holds now. Even in the digital space, maintaining a personal, genuine, and authentic approach is crucial. This is how you build trust among your existing and potential customers. Keeping your content raw and real is key.

Vidushi Tayal, Founder, Virtual Take

Vidushi Tayal is a visionary founder, empowering brands in the digital world as the founder of Virtual Take. Her creativity and expertise in digital marketing drive meaningful brand experiences and engagement.