Vered Biron Sharvit: Bringing About Innovation Driven Well-Being In Business, Hospitality, And Education


Vered Biron Sharvit: Bringing About Innovation Driven Well-Being In Business, Hospitality, And Education

Vered Biron Sharvit: Bringing About Innovation Driven Well-Being In Business, Hospitality, And Education

Vered Biron Sharvit
Founder & CEO

According to a report published by Research and Markets, the global mental Well-Being services market size will reach a size of US$ 150 billion by 2028. A magnified view on Israel reveals healthcare at its best across the country and many emerging Well-Being experts in the industry. The country has taken steps in combining healthcare and wellness in order to provide people with 360 degree treatment for health problems of any kind. This is why the country now needs Well-being experts who have extensive experience in leading Well-being programs and companies for various kinds of business sectors. Vered Biron Sharvit, Founder & CEO, Experience & Well-being is an entrepreneur in Israel having over 20 years of experience in well-being in business, hospitality, education and community sectors. Her leadership initiatives have been recognized by various business establishments because she has been very successful in bringing about a change in the business processes she has led. The Women Entrepreneur magazine engaged in a conversation with her in order to know more about her career and other inspirational facts about her life.

What are some important facets of your life and professional journey that you want the world to know?

In recent years, I was lucky enough to get involved in many types of ventures with very special people. I had the position of CEO of the Dr. Nader Company, one of the world's leading doctors who developed Unifying Integrative Medicine. As CEO, I led the establishment of the first center for Unifying Integrative Medicine. The center includes clinics, company headquarters, Established an academy for the field studying and a hall that serves as a studio for broadcasting courses internationally. I met Dr. Nader at a business meeting and after the brief meeting he offered me to manage the company's activities, a year later we established Dr. Nader's first center - A ground-breaking treatment centre in the field of unifying integrative medicine, with the aim of restoring each person to full health according to their unique nature, in a holistic and complete manner While fulfilling my duties, I graduated from Dr. Nader's unifying integrative medicine studies. I worked for the establishment of the Nader innovative center, the introduction of personal well-being study programs for teenagers "Journey of Love" into the education system in Israel for the first time, and these days promoting the establishment of an innovative Well Being resort in the nature. I have a passion to lead innovation and in the process of establishment of the Gordonia Hotel, we established a salon instead of a lobby for the first time in 2015. Gordonia Private Hotel is considered as one of the leading boutique hotels and has won international awards.

Throw some light on the key business lessons you have learnt over the years that are still a part of your leadership style.

First, I will work to define the vision clearly, without dwelling on the expected challenges, the motivation to realize the dream is the fuel that helps overcome the challenges along the way. I try not to compare myself to others, both in new ventures that I lead and in working with companies, I will concentrate on the advantages that we have to bring on the innovations, on the added value that is unique to us. I believe that each person brings a unique value that no one else has, and the more we connect to this value, to our uniqueness, the more we will succeed.

"The world of awareness and personal development that i have been exposed to in the past decade has opened to me a vast world of powerful tools that help me lead and influence and become a happier person"

And all that remains is to help one another the second is to bring our uniqueness to action and realization. I am very connected to my intuition and over the years I have learned to be more and more attentive to it. The world of awareness and personal development that I have been exposed to in the past decade has opened to me a vast world of powerful tools that help me lead and influence and become a happier person. The significant connection that is a key for us is to learn to accept ourselves for all our parts and to love ourselves as we are. From there we go out into the world in our best version. This way makes it possible to overcome crises and failures in an easier way, the recovery will usually be faster and the focus shifts to finding the advantages and ways to growth from the situation. There are many studies on the subjects on the enormous increase in the need to base life on the principles of well-being in education (the UNICEF study "What Makes Me?"), business communities and tourism. I focus on promoting this field which greatly affects our ability to succeed in realizing our unique personal potential and our happiness.

In your opinion what are some of the most challenging aspects of being a business leader in today’s business climate? What steps do you undertake to overcome these roadblocks?

The world has been undergoing major changes in recent years that require creativity and new ways of business and social growth. I believe that next to every crisis there is an opportunity, and this is how I try to act. When the Corona crisis met us in the middle of establishing the Nader centre - we developed our digital courses for the first time, which allowed us to take in more students and expand geographically without limitations to other places in the world, and later this change led to a large increase in the company's profitability and a significantly larger amount of students that could be taken in digital courses. The holistic lifestyle allows me to lead and act in a more balanced and creative way when in every situation I will look for the opportunity. I have learned to act more by listening and connecting to my intuition and constant thinking about the development of human capital to fulfil personal potential and uniqueness.

Vered Biron Sharvit, Former CEO & Founder, Dr. Nader Butto Center

“In recent years, there has been a notable increase in women's representation in top leadership roles. More women are breaking through the glass ceiling and holding positions of power and influence, both in the public and private sectors. However, progress has been slow and there is still a long way to go to achieve gender parity in leadership we need to increase involvement in fields that are currently dominated by men”