Tarannum Malik: Practising Smarter, More Efficient Ways To Feed The World


Tarannum Malik: Practising Smarter, More Efficient Ways To Feed The World

Tarannum Malik: Practising Smarter, More Efficient Ways To Feed The World

Tarannum Malik
Founder & Managing Director

While we have heard of many success stories of exceptional entrepreneurs, this story is extra special. It is a story of a passionate woman who took the farming route and decided to leave a trail with a twist of innovation. Today, she is setting a bright path for future generations in food security.

Here is Women Entrepreneur Magazine’s interview with Tarannum Malik.

Take us through your early educational journey. Highlight the early influences and important facets of your life?

I was born in India and moved to the UAE when I turned 7. Like every other well-meaning family, I was raised to respect resources and share abundance. This value for money and sense of responsibility became my DNA.

I was privileged to pursue my education in the UK. I am a qualified finance professional from the Alliance Manchester Business School, with a BSc Honours in Management, Accounting and Finance.

I come from a lineage of strong women supported by secure men. I've been fortunate to have a multicultural upbringing and top-notch education. So, I've learned to raise the stakes and shatter the glass ceiling.

What led you to establish Ocean Recycling? How does the organisation work towards efficient waste management?

As a young college student in the UK, time was always short, and the chores were forever piling up. Taking the garbage out was one task I disliked to the core. Blame it on the nippy outdoors, but that pile of thrash got me thinking there had to be a better way to reduce the global impact of waste generation. Cut to six years as Founder and Managing Director of Ocean Recycling, and we created gold out of garbage.

Ocean Recycling steps in as a consultant partner to streamline a proactive waste management process. Our holistic waste solutions ensure end-to-end operations with minimal effort. Our well-trained staff can handle industries of varied strength because our template is process-oriented.

We have successfully turned around companies from negative expenses to profitability with customised solutions in the six years of our operations. We know that no two organisations are alike, and hence the waste solutions, though generic, need to be modified to best suit the overall functionality.

What motivated you to co-found Al Aliyo Hydrofarms?

Covid 19 was a wake-up call that the world needed, perhaps. We have no planet B, and it is time we nurture the one that sustains us.

A casual conversation with my mom during the 'restrained' grocery shopping made me aware that food security in harsh environments was the need of the hour. The UAE imports over 90 percent of its agricultural produce, and animal fodder lies at the bottom rung of that global pyramid.

The idea of Al Aliyo Hydro Farms, UAE's premier hydroponic fodder company, was conceived at that moment to relieve the dependency on imported animal feed by promoting sustainability and self-reliance. There are no standardized parameters for the livestock farming industry. It is one of the most pollutant and unsustainable forms of agri-farming. Often, the fodder is below par, and it does more damage than we care to admit.

Al Aliyo Hydro Farms is changing this equation by providing fresh, green fodder to farms directly. Furthermore, we ensure fewer carbon emissions than leading industry players because of reduced water and energy consumption.

What are your current focus areas for driving growth for Ocean Recycling and Al Aliyo Hydrofarms?

Ocean Recyling is committed to making a holistic difference. We create systems that effectively reduce your waste generation and, in return, earn profitability. Our expertise is for all industry verticals battling inefficient industrial waste disposal. Ocean Recycling aims to be the number one sustainable solutions company in the UAE and Middle East.

Al Aliyo Hydro Farms has reimagined innovation to combat climate change and is on the cusp of a green revolution. We are changing the fodder solutions spectrum for sustainable livestock farming, one feed at a time. Hydro farm produce is easier to harvest and is higher in nutritional value. The improved fodder quality invariably results in healthier livestock.

Our vision is in sync with the UAE national agenda to strengthen significant food supply chains. Hence, we aim to contribute to the UAE government's food security efforts by providing green fodder directly to farmers.

In your opinion, what are some of the most critical challenges you encounter as a business leader in the Middle East?

Society expects women to be only homemakers rather than decision-makers. Hence, we see a need for more women in leadership roles.

I was lucky to be surrounded by family and friends who encouraged me to pursue my dreams. My mom, Farzana Malik, is the cornerstone of my journey. As an educator and entrepreneur, her inputs as an equal partner and a woman of substance have been visionary. That gave me the hope, faith, and fortitude to chase my goals. Additionally, I've had the privilege of a multicultural education, which enhanced my thought process.

As a woman, I continue to offer a seat at the table to other women. A strong women's support network will provide much-needed resources, guidance, and opportunities. And last but not least, we must know and champion our rights. We owe it to the ones who came before us and those who follow our legacy.

Tarannum Malik, Founder & Managing Director, Al Aliyo Hydrofarms

Tarannum Malik is a force to be reckoned with in the world of sustainability and food security. Her drive to positively impact the environment has led her to establish two companies (Ocean Recycling and Al Aliyo Hydrofarms), making a significant difference in the UAE and beyond.