Tania Santos Silva: Redefining Fine Jewelry For Women In The Middle East


Tania Santos Silva: Redefining Fine Jewelry For Women In The Middle East

Tania Santos Silva: Redefining Fine Jewelry For Women In The Middle East

Tania Santos
Silva Founder

The diamond and jewelry industry in the Middle East is renowned for its opulence and luxury. The region has a rich heritage of exquisite craftsmanship and a strong appreciation for fine jewelry. Tania Santos Silva, Founder of Lala Diamonds and Jewelry, is playing a vital role in empowering this sector and bringing a new dimension to the market. Through her online brand, she offers competitively priced fine and minimalist jewelry, making it accessible to women who aspire to own beautiful pieces. Tania's visionary approach and commitment to providing high-quality jewelry at affordable prices contribute to the growth and development of the diamond and jewelry industry in the Middle East. Let’s hear more from her in below interview snippets.

Take us through your educational background and prior industry experience that you bring to the table as a communications professional.

I have a diverse educational and professional background in communications. I initially pursued law school in Portugal but found it wasn't the right fit for me. I then switched to journalism and completed a master's degree in corporate marketing and communications in Dubai. Although I didn't work extensively in journalism, I shifted toward the corporate side of the field. At the age of 24, I left Portugal and embarked on an internship in negotiation and influence in Madrid. I then worked on various projects and promoted Angola, Mozambique, and South Africa in international publications such as Bloomberg, The Daily Telegraph, USA Today, and Le Figaro. I later joined NIS Gazprom Neft in Angola, managing the development area and working with private and state partners, as well as the Ministry of Petroleum. Subsequently, I was invited to represent Angola as a diplomat at OPEC in Vienna, where I faced challenges as a woman in a male-dominated organization. I managed a team of seven people with an average age of 50, and dealing with male egos proved to be more challenging. I had to work twice as hard to gain appreciation and respect. In 2014, I relocated to Dubai with my husband and opened my own consultancy firm, where I currently work.

What led you to take up entrepreneurship along with building a corporate career?

I have always had a strong interest in entrepreneurship, as I find the process of starting and growing a business to be both challenging and fulfilling. The idea of creating something innovative and making a positive impact has always motivated me. I made the decision to pursue entrepreneurship alongside building a corporate career because I wanted to experience the benefits of both worlds. While a corporate job offers stability and security, entrepreneurship provides the freedom and flexibility to pursue my own business ideas. Balancing both endeavors, and a family, has been a challenge, but it has also been incredibly rewarding. Throughout this journey, I have gained valuable insights about myself and the business world, and I have had the opportunity to connect with remarkable individuals. I am grateful for the chance to have a corporate career while pursuing my entrepreneurial dreams, and I eagerly look forward to what lies ahead.

“I have always had a strong interest in entrepreneurship, as i find the process of starting & growing a business to be both challenging & fulfilling”

Tell us about the inspiration behind establishing Lala Diamonds and Jewelry. What is the fundamental concept behind the venture and its primary areas of expertise?

In 2019, while closely involved with the rough diamond industry in Africa, I completed the GIA course on Diamonds and diamond grading. During the initial lockdown, I wanted to share my vision and create an online brand that offers competitively priced fine and minimalist jewelry. I wanted to make it easier for more women to appreciate and embrace this natural product. I collaborated with my team in Portugal to develop the concept and worked with local suppliers. A few months later, we launched the brand online.

In your perspective, what are the most demanding aspects of being an entrepreneur in the jewelry and diamond industry? How do you tackle these challenges? The primary challenge lies in establishing awareness and trust among clients for an e-commerce business operating within the diamond industry. This industry is highly competitive, with well-established companies that have been operating for years, making it difficult for newcomers to compete. Additionally, entering the industry incurs high costs, and competition from established companies can be formidable. Volatile prices pose another challenge, making future planning and financial projections challenging. Overcoming these obstacles involves building a strong brand identity that sets us apart, such as our niche focus on minimalist jewelry, as well as providing personalized customer service.

How has the growth journey been for Lala Diamonds and Jewelry thus far? What is your vision for the company's next phase of growth?

We have been steadily growing, surviving the critical first year, which is significant for start-up companies. Looking ahead, our vision for the next growth phase is expansion. We aim to establish a physical presence in concept stores worldwide, with a focus on Sweden, Japan, Brazil, and Canada. This expansion would require increased stock, resulting in higher sales. We are optimistic about the future.

What guiding principles do you follow as a business leader and entrepreneur?

My mantra for success is simple but powerful: Never give up. Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey, and there will be moments when quitting feels tempting. However, by persevering and refusing to give up, eventual success can be achieved. It's crucial to stay focused on goals, celebrate achievements, surround oneself with positive influences, and learn from mistakes along the way.

Tania Santos Silva, Founder, Lala Diamonds

Tania Santos Silva is an accomplished professional with over 14 years of robust experience in managing corporate communications and crisis situations. She has a strong background in issues preparedness activities and business continuity, making her a trusted leader in navigating challenging situations.