
Srishti Malpath: A Pioneering Yoga Practitioner And Instructor Making A Name For Herself
Srishti Malpath
Founder, Yoga With Srishti
In a paradoxical fashion, the very modern life that lures us with comfort also comes with constant stress of the mind and body. A practice such as Yoga can help settle the imbalance between the lives we’re bound to live and the drawbacks they come with.
Embodying this philosophy to its core and striving to help people through her yoga classes is Srishti Malpath.
In an exclusive interview with Women Entrepreneur, Srishti talks more about her professional journey from a marketing job to running a Yoga enterprise to now working in the educational sector.
Can You Talk About Your Educational And Professional Journey So Far?
I grew up in Hyderabad, and after having finished schooling I moved to Bombay for my undergraduate education at IIT (Bombay). Graduated from IIT in 2015 and with a Master’s in Business from IIM Bangalore in 2017 - immediately following which I joined the Sales & Marketing team at Anheuser Anheuser-Busch Inbev (Budweiser). It was a formidable journey, working with Global Brands like Budweiser, Corona, Hoegaarden; gaining first hand experience fresh out of business school where working for such a brand was a fantasy. Having been a trained dancer since the age of 6, I could not let forgo the presence of movement in my daily life.
As my young adulthood became preoccupied with living in the ‘real’world, I turned to dance and yoga training to supplement the lack of groundedness I felt. I found myself beginning to gradually move towards a lifestyle that allowed space to connect with my childlike self and observed a growing yearning in me to shift gears. So, when I decided to take a break from my corporate career, the next step came naturally; I progressed in my yoga training and soon after finishing my certifications, received an offer to work with Cult.Fit, which turned out to be an incredible journey.
I moved on from Cult.Fit and left on what was initially a “chill” trip to the U.S. – which upgraded itself into a massively enlightening detour in my yoga career. I traveled and began holding workshops and classes in cities I had formerly planned on touring – Miami, San Diego, LA, and New York. This, certainly broadened my frame of reference for building an approach, a so-called teaching philosophy, that works for learners outside of my own zones of comfort and familiarity. Once back in India, I completed certification in Pre- and Post-Natal Yoga, immediately following which I launched the online operations for yogawithsrishti.com .
Give Us A Brief Overview On Your Online Platform And The Kind Of Classes You Hold?
Our webpage, yogawithsrishti.com facilitates online yoga sessions packaged into weekly and monthly programs designed to cater to both individuals and groups alike considering the physical and mental history and requirements, to ultimately curate the appropriate practice one would benefit most from. Besides the online operations, I frequently conduct themed workshops and in-person sessions in cities across the country – they range from pop-up sessions at cafés to planned weekend workshops and retreats.
"You can only choose what to love and that decides the rest. What you love consumes you, so love wisely. And this applies to everything in life"
The retreats are an interesting element where I find room to pour most creativity into – they are primarily a space to slow down, and how we facilitate that changes according to the theme and audience; to name a few, it includes the physical yoga practice (of course) along with sound meditation, journaling sessions, philosophy and theory discussions. I’ve found ways to incorporate the same convictions in the space I currently hold, career-wise. I’m working at a Tech University in Chandigarh that is founded on the objective to reimagine Tech education and Research – I occupy the position of managing Student life and Academic affairs, while also teaching a Yoga (theory and practice) course as part of their Life Skills course curriculum..
Can You Elaborate More On The Uniqueness/ Inspiration Of Your Teaching?
We are well aware of how movement affects everything from circulation to digestion to metabolism and immunity; how our bodies utilize this to regulate hormone activity, detoxify, and respire. This is information that doesn’t change, over any period of time – what has changed, however, is how much of this activity happens unintentionally. This need to supplement our modern lives with an external practice (separate from our daily lives and chores) is precisely where I lay my foundation and teaching philosophy.
With my practice, I want people to remember. Remembering is simply a process of constant prompting and reminding – you think of a memory often enough and the details will only solidify more each time. My practice is grounded in the principle of understanding your body (and through it, your mind) – which is a process that one can see clearly through check-points of progress. It is never about attaining a certain body type or fitness goal for me – I remind my students even now that tracking progress is simply the easiest way to trace your experience; it is not necessarily about achieving the highest level of excellence.
Which Are All The Professional Milestones That Gave You Utmost Satisfaction?
My first job with Budweiser (which was an internship turned placement) was an extremely surreal moment for me as a fresh graduate. While working with Cult. Fit, I often received notes and personal emails from students and members about finding my classes helpful or impacting their lives in ways I didn’t imagine – this was something that helped me feel grounded and dismiss self-doubt that reaffirmed for me the path I took. Another really exciting project was the first Yoga retreat I held – it was unlike anything I’d ever done. To fashion an entire team while being a one-woman show was as thrilling as it was daunting. Right now, working with a university that strives to reimagine the educational landscape of the country is immensely satisfying – and working with the esteemed team behind Plaksha University is of great honor.
What Advice Would You Give To The Coming Generation Of Women Entrepreneurs?
The only advice I have to offer here is: Instead of hoarding everything that comes at you, practice cherry-picking things that work for you; carve out the space to flourish and spend time building communities that support you. Invest your resources in honest friendships and nurture relationships with family - however, (and I cannot stress this enough), let yourself be vulnerable enough times while making decisions that you can call your own.
Srishti Malpath, Founder, Yoga With Srishti
A pioneering yoga practitioner and teacher guiding her students to practice yoga to reap its benefits