
Smriti Gulwady: Key Bridge Between The Company & Its Customer Base
Smriti Gulwady
CEO, Sanmour Pharma
Customer acquisition is the initial step toward any new product's success. However, customer retention is perhaps the most important factor in sustaining the success. With over 30 years of pharmaceutical research background, Sanmour Pharma has assisted several of its clients in the development of technology, and Smriti Gulwady has been instrumental in the expansion of the company's customer base across several geographies. Smriti has been on the Board of a leading cooperative bank as an independent Director.
While Smriti’s foray into advertising was serendipitous, herstrong negotiating and networking skills along with her various other abilities considerably benefited Sanmour Pharma's expansion. Smriti is currently the CEO of the pharma R&D unit in Mumbai, catering to the outsourcing activities of pharma companies all over the world. Being an active member of Rotary International, she also works with women's self-help groups on empowerment programmes, gender sensitization, girl child education, and other initiatives.
In an interview with the Women Entrepreneur team, Smriti discusses her ideas about leadership and the criticality of customer delight among other things. Here are excerpts from the conversation.
Introduce Us Tosanmourpharma And Your Role As The Ceo Of The Organization. Sanmour, a full-fledged pharma contract R & D company with its own research and process development facility was started in 2005. With over 30 years of pharmaceutical research background in several major Indian pharmaceutical companies, the company has catered to several of its clientele in developing technology. Our main activity includes the outsourcing needs of the genericlpharma companies worldwide.
My role as CEO was extremely beneficial to the company because of my previous experience as an advertising and marketing specialist. It served as a vital link between the corporation's technocrats and its international consumer base. My understanding of financial components of any business, negotiating skills, as well as my other abilities, greatly aided in the expansion of Sanmour Pharma.
Take us through your early education journey and prior industry experience before coming onboard Sanmourpharma as the CEO?
I studied in St.Columba Girls School, one of the best schools in Mumbai. Then I went on to do marketing / Advtg & PR and media studies. In 2013, I also received a fully funded Goldman Sachs 10,000 Global Women Entrepreneurs scholarship and completed the certification from the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.
My foray into advertising happened by chance. I happened to go to one of the art exhibitions and saw several creative unique things put up there, which inspired me to pursue a career in advertising. I tried my hand at a creative job as a copywriter in ad upcoming ad agency and from then on I switched over to Client servicing.
This particular area really catapulted my career, and after five years of handling procedures and accounts I quit that job and started my own agency with a few clients which gave me 360-degree exposure to various departments ranging from creative to production to filmmaking and model coordination. This helped me become my own boss.
How has your journey been in terms of leading Sanmourpharma? What have been some of the key leadership mantras that have helped you in taking the company forward?
My role at Sanmour Pharma is entirely different from the previous background. However, owing to a technically strong partner and supportive management by my side, I received great exposure. It helped me get a grip on the situation. The exposure has also helped me and indirectly the company in a way that I could understand the clients' requirements better.
“Whatever position you hold in the company, when you are back home, you are a wife, a mother, daughter in law. You have to do equal justice to all the roles you play”
I believe it is not the human resources but human capital management that drives the organization's growth. At Sanmour we always believed in promoting deserved candidates within the company rather than hiring from outside for high-profile roles. Unless and until your people grow your organization doesn't grow.
As a leader my first priority is customer delight. If a customer is delighted with your work, they will return to you. My passion for excellence, willingness to take risks and networking abilities drew talent from all over the world and that aided in the company's growth.
When dealing with many departments, from subordinates to top leadership positions, humility is the one quality that keeps you close to everyone which helped me to lead the firm.
How do you keep yourself aligned with the periodic evolutions occurring in the industry? What steps did you take as the CEO while dealing with the covid-19 crisis?
Nothing remains rigid, every industry evolves with time. As the industry evolves, people associated with that also must evolve, we need to keep running to stand where we are at, and otherwise, we are left behind in the race. We keep updated with all the technical journals related to pharma. Social networking platforms, seminars do update us with the new trends.
Pandemic has affected almost every sector. We at Sanmour adopted hybrid work culture;at times we worked from home and sometimes from office depending on the need of the hour. With technology on board we were having video consultation instead of travelling to meet the clients. We have got adapted to the situation and so have our customers. We have also ensured that everyone at Sanmour gets vaccinated.
How do you strike a balance between your professional and personal life? What are some activities or hobbies that you like to indulge in when not working? What would your words of wisdom be to young women aspiring to become entrepreneurs and business leaders?
Whatever position you hold in the company, when you are back home, you are a wife, a mother, daughter in law. You have to do equal justice to all the roles you play. In my case, once I am back home I switch the housewife mode on.
I am an active member of Rotary international. I get fascinated by the idea of serving people. My other love is music. Due to my busy schedule, I had kept singing aside but pandemic helped me take it up as a hobby again. Music is meditation for me.
My advice to other women would be to believe in oneself in whatever you do. Try something new and take a chance. Take advantage of the opportunity as soon as possible. Above all, conduct your business ethically. Self-motivation is essential for moving forward on your path. Don't be scared to fail; if you do, you'll come back stronger.
Smriti Gulwady, CEO, Sanmour Pharma
Smriti Gulwady has been instrumental in the expansion of the company's customer base across several geographies. Smriti has been on the Board of a leading cooperative bank as an independent Director.