
Rohini Kapoor: An Entrepreneur With Extraordinary Vision To Deliver Out-Of-The Box Media & Digital Solutions
Rohini Kapoor
Associate Director, I am Creative
Rohini Kapoor, the Associate Director of IAM Creative Communication here talks about her role as a female entrepreneur and how she manages her personal and professional lives.
Take us through your company IAM Creative Communication's contribution in the advertising sector along with your role in the organization.
IAM Creative Communication and Niyati Communications are merged into one since 2017. Niyati was into print media earlier but now works as one entity. We joined hands, became stronger but the setup remains the same. IAM Creative Communication is a one-stop advertising solution provider that carves brands’ new identity and elevates their current identity. We are self-enthusiastic people working as a team since we have started the organization. I am creative is known for my both and old marketing style. We concentrate on both media buying and advertising solutions for brands across the spectrum. I Am creative and Niyati has been serving the industry for the past 19 years and now, we have more than a hundred clients who are provided tailored solutions. We have been providing extraordinary creative support along with executing flawless campaigns. We listen to the thoughts of every brand in the beginning when they come to us and after considering their point of view, we create campaigns and provide solutions accordingly. Therefore, we work for brand strategy and creatives along with digital solutions depending on the budgets of the clients. Our sales team is divided into our retail clients and corporate clients. We always work for clients who are pocket friendly and ready to invest well when required. We work for all sectors, like FMCG, real estate, and many other sectors. We first see the product, check it ourselves, and then try to understand how strong the product would be while we take it to the market.
My role includes client relationships, execution, brand management, and quality control, and all other areas where needed. For me the first thing is client relationship, building that with transparency, and delivering right from the first day. We also have introduced a digital marketing wing four years back which now has more than seventeen clients. We are multitaskers and never say 'No we can’t do it'. We are determined to even deliver campaigns overnight.
Give us a brief about the early years of your life, your prior experience, challenges you have faced while working in the agency, and the key business lessons that you have learned so far.
I belong to Delhi and completed my graduation in English literature from Delhi University. I love the language for its aesthetics and communication. It particularly helped me a lot to discover my personality and strength of what I love to do. I slowly developed my interest in creativity and put myself in front of people to communicate with them. I have graduated with a vision to achieve greater heights one day and thus I entered the corporate world at the age of 22. I was associated with brands like Aviva Life Insurance and these corporates have helped me a lot to shape my career. Therefore, whatever I have done in my career so far is a mirror image of what I have achieved to date. I have built a strong bond with the clients out of trust and quality delivery on time. The most difficult aspect is to keep a client happy. I work very closely with my sales and development team to crack down every project with perfection. Every week we together track what we have missed or what we could have done. So, I try to keep myself updated with the trends of the current industry and brands. If we see any other brand doing something exciting, then I keep those in mind and then communicate with my team. However, I stand wherever I find there is a need. So, I am there always when there is fire. When there is a difficult client whom my team cannot handle, I am there. I am a crisis control person.
How have you seen the industry has changed or evolved in a couple of years since the time you have been here?
Media strategy and advertising according to me are moving more to ROI-driven campaigns. Clients are more into digital media today. Earlier advertising was more used in radio, TV and outdoor but Corona has changed the picture. Everything is in our handsets now and thus advertising is slowly taking the digital space in the handsets. And I believe this trend is going to stay for a long time now making things easier and comfortable with time. However, we have expertise in using advertisement at any platform like TV radio print and outdoor along with the digital platform.
As a successful women entrepreneur, what would your advice be to the budding women who want to follow in your footsteps and become an entrepreneur?
I always wanted to be an entrepreneur and after joining I am creative, I understood where I want to take the company within 3-4 years down the line. That is the power of your dream that when you think of something from your heart there is nothing that can stop you. If you are in doubt, then think and then act. Stay selfmotivated to make something big in life. Advertising is a demanding industry and once you are here you exactly know how to balance your time for this.
Rohini Kapoor, Associate Director, Iam Creative Communication
Website: iamcommunication.co
Location: Gurgaon
Description: 'Offers advertising and media solutions