Rakhi Garg: Driving Her Growth Through Sheer Passion And Commitment


Rakhi Garg: Driving Her Growth Through Sheer Passion And Commitment

Rakhi Garg: Driving Her Growth Through Sheer Passion And Commitment

Rakhi Garg
Founder, The Element Craft Studio

Life sometimes puts us in some tough situations and it is up to us to decide whether or not to accept defeat and stay there or see it as a challenge and push on. Rakhi Garg is one individual who didn’t want to take the easy way out when she was diagnosed with a rare immune disorder. Instead of getting desperate and burdened thinking about her illness, Rakhi choose to carry on with her life and she strives to make it even better. With the inception of The Element Craft Studio, she turned one of the lowest points in her life into one of the most productive.

In an exclusive interview with Women Entrepreneur, Rakhi Garg sheds light on her professional journey and how she was able to overcome adversities and become an inspiration for the people around her.

Give Us Brief Details About Your Educational And Professional Background. Also, Explain About Your Role At The Element Craft Studio Women Entrepreneur In Art, Craft & Design- 2020 10 Top And How Are You Leveraging The Best Of Your Experience Across Your Company’s Operations?

I am blessed with a sharp mind and memory by God. From class nursery to my whole academic career, I have always been the topper, in class, then in school, then in the city and then in whole university as a gold medallist. Be it studies, sports or extra-curricular activities, I always excelled in them and won many trophies and shields. Learning has always been my passion. I was the youngest postgraduate in my college at the age of 20 years. I had done BSC Home science and MA Economics. I was doing a Textile designing degree course when I got married. Within the time period of my kids being growing up, I have done many classes, courses of arts and crafts from many masters of India and Abroad. After starting a business too, I have been visiting and learning from many International artists of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the USA and Turkey to excel in different arts and crafts so I can provide all these international art forms in our country too. I take classes of these arts in India online and offline. This business is like my child to me, I strive to make it flourished in wonders.

How has been your professional journey so far and what were some of the major highlights of your career?

My Crafting Business journey started in February 2017. Actually, I was facing some severe health issues for the last some years that’s why I lost my confidence and was feeling very low. That time a thought came to my mind to start something which can divert my mind so I can be busy and can forget about my illness. Art and Craft have always been fascinating me from my childhood, so I started doing crafts in 2016 July but was finding it very hard to get raw bases to work with. At that time my younger sister Anika Mittal and my parents supported me and trusted my thought. So I started this business from my home, I was doing all the work on my own like, marketing on social media, taking orders, making and sending invoices, creating new innovative designs, and finishing and packing parcels. Soon, with in just two months, I got a huge response and my husband Pankaj Garg started helping me in work as I was getting huge orders and wasn’t being able to handle them alone.

“Don’t make plans. What is happening in present, we can control that only, so just do your best to make your present better and future will sure be fruitful”

In May 2018, we moved to a huge space of 250 meters Industrial area and made a setup for manufacturing everything in-house. Pankaj joined me as a business partner and started making beautiful new designs and handling a team of ten members as a manufacturing unit. In December 2019, we started our first franchise in Mumbai and opened a studio in a huge space in Ghaziabad. From one franchise to now five franchises in Bangalore, Pune, Chennai and Hyderabad, within three and half years.

Tell us about the element craft studio along with the services that you offer. Also, tell us how do you uniquely run the functions of the company?

TECS is a manufacturing company that offers a wide range of craft and art supplies. Whether it is MDF and wooden products or more than 100 shades of chalk paints, different types of papers, stencils and other craft material, we are manufacturing many products in-house which we develop after a complete R&D process. Our new designs come every week and right now, we have the biggest innovative inventory of MDF and wooden products in India. In almost, every city of India we provide courier services. We ship worldwide too and have valuable clients in many countries.

What are your future plans? Where do you see the company moving in the coming days?

I do not believe in making plans. For me, what is happening in present, I can control that only, so I just keep focusing on making my present better. Future takes shape on basis of the present only. So right now, I am planning just to start a full-fledged international business, rest time will tell.

Rakhi Garg, Founder, The Element Craft Studio

Her commitment to never give up in the face of overwhelming adversities is what helped her in the creation and establishment of The Element Craft Studio. With the support from her family, Rakhi is aiming to take her company to new heights.

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