Rajni Walia: Driving Innovative Real Estate Solutions With Social Responsibility


Rajni Walia: Driving Innovative Real Estate Solutions With Social Responsibility

Rajni Walia: Driving Innovative Real Estate Solutions With Social Responsibility

Rajni Walia

In the bustling Real Estate marketplace in Perth, Western Australia, a boutique company - Fair Street Realty by Rajni Walia stands tall amongst the giants in the industry for its unwavering commitment to service quality, customer focus, integrity, and innovation. With three decades of experience in People Leadership and Management in general and 7 years in the real estate market of Perth in specific, Rajni recently set the market abuzz by challenging existing business paradigms and norms by launching a new product that addresses a market gap. As this editorial goes to the press, there's going to be an exciting David Vs Goliath battle in Perth's real estate sector in the coming days.

In 2017, Rajni’s life, both professional and personal, took a critical turn when she migrated to Perth. Unable to find even an entry-level job in her field of expertise after 26 years at the very pinnacle of the corporate hierarchy, Rajni ventured, with her trademark determination, resilience, and deep-seated desire to make a difference, by re-educating and re-inventing herself as a Real Estate Professional. It is after five years of trial by fire that Rajni ventured as an entrepreneur by launching Fair Street Realty to help people have a safe, enjoyable, and prosperous experience in the real estate marketplace. Below is an excerpt of Rajni Walia’s exclusive interaction with Women Entrepreneur magazine.

Take us through your diverse professional experience over the years in the real estate industry. What were some of the crucial junctures throughout this journey?

My professional journey spans three decades of work principally in the area of People Development, Leadership, and Management. Life in an Army Officer family means three things. First, one will be constantly exposed to people from different cultures, social histories, traditions, languages, religions, and so on and so forth in day-to-day life and work. Second, the family moves to a new location in India once every three years. So, change is always your companion, and 'settled' is a word you never have in your dictionary. Third, crying, cringing, and complaining get one nowhere. You have got to make the best of whatever you have and move on.

It was this upbringing which required me to assimilate and meld with different people that gave me the foundation for people skills. I have come to love people, see them as they are, and find myself constantly wanting to do my little bit to make people’s lives better and beautiful. In my career, the first 26 years were in Corporate and Business HR with companies in India and the UAE. Some seven years back, change, chance, and challenge compelled me to build a future as a real estate professional. The real estate business at its heart is a people aspiration management and growth and development business. I bring in all my training and work experiences gathered over 25 plus years in building growth platforms for people to exceed their aspirations and drive productivity-based growth. This is the foundation on which my work at Fair Street Realty is built.

Critically, I have learned to embrace change and use it as an opportunity to try something new, something different, something other than the beaten path. The real estate market is, like many markets including the financial markets, constantly in flux, changing, churning, and evolving. It is a perfect playground for me to look up to every day as a new one, a day where I am sure to match my wits with the challenges of the marketplace and help people achieve their goals.

Lastly, I love a good fight and given that my company is a young growth company, there is no dearth of competitive challenges and market struggles in everyday work life. My goal is just not to survive through to the end of the day but to succeed and so my work pushes me to the very edge of endurance, persistence, patience, and operational and strategic excellence. I cannot ask for more.

Throw some light on the key areas of expertise you have developed as a leader in Australia’s real estate sector.

As an emerging leader in Australia's real estate sector, my expertise encompasses a blend of skills honed over decades of experience in People Leadership and Management. Foremost among these is my innate ability to connect with people, derived from a deep-rooted desire to aid individuals in making significant life-enhancing decisions. Transitioning from a background in human resources, where my focus was on enhancing the well-being and productivity of employees, I seamlessly integrated this ethos into the real estate realm, guiding clients through the emotional and financial intricacies of property transactions.

My understanding of the real estate industry, both locally in Western Australia and on a broader national scale, is another cornerstone of my expertise. Years of immersion in the market, walking the streets, and absorbing its pulse have equipped me with an intuitive understanding of market dynamics, allowing me to navigate complexities with finesse. Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, I approach each endeavor with determination to work in the best interest of my clients as evidenced in my track record of accolades awards, and customer reviews within a relatively short span. However, beyond mere accolades, my motivation lies in effecting positive change, particularly in addressing pressing societal issues such as housing shortages. I've pioneered innovative solutions, such as communal living arrangements, to meet the needs of both immigrants and locals alike.

To make a difference, I have had to chisel & carve out a new path & walk on that path against all odds within the framework of law & compliance

Furthermore, my commitment to ethical conduct and regulatory compliance is the cornerstone of every aspect of my practice. Recognizing the gravity of handling clients' life savings and assets, I adhere strictly, in letter and spirit, to industry standards and regulations, ensuring transparency, integrity, and accountability in all transactions. In essence, my expertise as an emerging leader in Australia's real estate sector encompasses a comprehensive spectrum of skills, from empathetic client engagement to strategic market insights and unwavering ethical standards. It's not just about closing deals but about making a meaningful difference in the lives of those I serve and the communities I operate within.

Introduce us to Fair Street Realty. Tell us about the various responsibilities you shoulder as the Director of Fair Street Realty.

Fair Street Realty emerged from a deeply ingrained ethos of service excellence and a passion for making a tangible impact in the real estate industry. As the Director, I carry the responsibility of steering our work in delivering unparalleled client satisfaction and operational excellence. My journey into entrepreneurship was fueled by a recognition of the service gaps prevalent in the industry. I saw this not as a hindrance, but as an opportunity to redefine standards and set new benchmarks. While others may have focused solely on profit margins, my focus shifted towards bridging industry gaps, particularly in property management.

Despite the lure of profitable sales commissions, I chose to channel our resources and efforts into expanding our property management portfolio. This decision wasn't merely business-driven but stemmed from a genuine love for the field and a desire to offer comprehensive solutions to clients and tenants, alike. At Fair Street Realty, we don't just adhere to industry guidelines; we transcend them through our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our operations. Our emphasis lies not just on what we do but on how we do it, ensuring that each interaction leaves a lasting impression of quality, reliability, innovation, and joy.

In your opinion what are some of the most critical challenges you encounter as a leader in real estate? What steps do you undertake to overcome these roadblocks?

As a leader in real estate, one of the most critical challenges I face is establishing our brand presence in a market dominated by established branded players with large economies of scale. Overcoming this hurdle requires a strategic approach focused on highlighting our unique value proposition and building credibility through exceptional service delivery. Initially, the struggle was articulating our worth and convincing clients to choose us over more recognizable names. However, I anticipated this challenge and approached it as both an obstacle and an opportunity for growth.

To combat this, we emphasized personalized service, transparency, and a commitment to exceeding client expectations. By consistently delivering outstanding results and nurturing strong relationships, we've gradually earned trust and recognition in the industry. Moreover, we've targeted clients who share our values and appreciate our innovative approach to property management.

Today, our focus extends beyond mere transactions to fostering mutually beneficial partnerships based on shared ideals and a dedication to excellence. It's not just about securing properties; it's about cultivating a community of like-minded individuals who prioritize quality and service above all else. Through perseverance, dedication, and a passion for exceeding expectations, we continue to navigate and overcome the challenges inherent in real estate leadership.

Throw light on the most critical professional milestone you have achieved throughout your professional journey.

One of the most critical professional milestones I've achieved throughout my journey isn't measured in profits or accolades, but in the profound impact I've made on people's lives. As someone without a traditional business background, my focus has always been on fostering genuine connections and building trust with those I serve. This milestone isn't a single event but a culmination of countless moments where I've gone above and beyond to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of my clients, tenants, and community.

The true measure of success lies in the heartfelt testimonials and reviews from individuals whose lives I've touched. It's in the late-night calls from tenants seeking assistance and the gratitude expressed by homeowners who have entrusted me with their most valuable assets. It's about creating a culture of compassion, integrity, and excellence in everything we do. Embracing the principles of Bushido, the samurai code of service and excellence, I've strived relentlessly to embody these values in my professional ventures. From negotiating top rents for property owners to providing a haven for a family in need, every action is guided by a commitment to serve others selflessly.

The word ‘formidable’ encapsulates not just a drive for financial success, but an unwavering dedication to serving the community with integrity and excellence. It's about transcending monetary gains and instead measuring success by the positive impact we leave on the lives of others. This milestone isn't just about achieving business objectives; it's about living a purpose-driven life centered around service, compassion, and making a difference in the world.

Rajni Walia, Director, Fair Street Realty

Rajni Walia, Director at Fair Street Realty, is renowned for her ethical leadership and commu­nity engagement in Aus­tralian real estate. With a passion for social respon­sibility, she champions integrity and compassion, driving positive change within the industry. Her innovative approach pri­oritizes people, creating lasting impact and em­powerment.