Ragheda El Khoury: A Trailblazing Industry Leader Leveraging Efficient Operational Strategy to Drive Productivity


Ragheda El Khoury: A Trailblazing Industry Leader Leveraging Efficient Operational Strategy to Drive Productivity

Ragheda El Khoury: A Trailblazing Industry Leader Leveraging Efficient Operational Strategy to Drive Productivity

Ragheda El Khoury
Head - Operations, Customer Service & Legal, Fidelity United, Fidelity United

One of the leading industries in the UAE, the Insurance sector has been experiencing significant evolution and growth over the years. The growth of the industry has been driven by various factors, such as a rising population, a significant increase in lifestyle-related disease cases, as well as rapid regulatory changes by the government. Considered one of the oldest insurance companies in the UAE market, Fidelity United started its journey as United Insurance Company in 1976. Since its rebranding in 2018, the organization has been experiencing tremendous growth across the business verticals as well as market position. One of the major pillars behind the recent turnaround of the firm, Ragheda El Khoury joined Fidelity United in 2018 and has been largely instrumental in driving the firm’s productivity. An industry leader with over two decades of extensive experience in the insurance sector, she has been a member of the executive committee at the firm and plays a massive role in building and implementing the organization’s operational strategy.

In an exclusive interview with Women Entrepreneurs Review, Ragheda sheds light on her overall professional experience, her key responsibilities at Fidelity United, and much more.

Take us through the prior industry experience that you bring to the table as a leader in insurance. What were some of the most crucial junctures throughout this journey?

I have been a part of the insurance industry for over 22 years working across various domains. I started my career in 2002 as an Actuarial Officer for one of the leading insurance companies in Lebanon. In the past, I used to be an extremely shy person and always preferred staying in my comfort zone. However, one day, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and express my thought process freely, something that impressed my then-CEO. As a result, I got promoted as a Reinsurance Manager. A few years later, in 2011, I got the opportunity to teach at one of the top universities in Lebanon, further boosting my confidence in my communication and leadership skillsets.

In 2014, I got married and shifted to Dubai with my husband. That's when I decided to transition from technical to managerial roles and joined Dubai Islamic Insurance & Reinsurance Company (AMAN) as the Director-Reinsurance & Actuarial. After two years, I joined Fidelity United, where I am a part of the executive management.

Instead of focusing on what you are doing, first try to define why you are doing it

Tell us about the key areas of expertise you have developed as a leader in the insurance sector, over the years.

I genuinely believe that leadership is a group of skill sets that require consistent practice. For me, one of the most critical skill sets to become a successful leader is effective communication skills. You also have to be a good listener. You need to have an open mindset, be able to put yourself in other's shoes and listen to people without judgment. As a leader, you always need to give credit to your team and highlight their work to the management where it's due. Another important skill set that I have acquired over the years is taking accountability. I did a course under Simon Sinek about creating a culture of accountability, which has helped me learn a lot.

You need to have a sense of ownership and take accountability for your team's results. Apart from that, a very important skill set for successful leadership is integrity. You have to work with devotion. Lastly, being a leader, especially at the management level, you need to first believe in the vision. It's your responsibility to ensure that your team has a sense of belongingness towards the organization. You need to discuss organizational vision with your team, set clear goals, and start working on implementing them.

Introduce us to Fidelity United. What are the key responsibilities you shoulder as the Head of Operations for the company?

One of the oldest insurance companies in the UAE, Fidelity United was previously known as United Insurance Company. In 2018, exactly after I joined the firm, a rapprochement with Fidelity Assurance and Reinsurance (Lebanon) enabled the firm to be rebranded as Fidelity United. Since the rebranding, our employee strength has grown from 80 to 180 and more. We also have developed a wonderful work culture with a strong focus on fairness and transparency. Coming to market position, within a short span of three to four years, we have moved from position 27 in 2018 to 15th rank in 2023. As the fastest-growing insurance company, we have also been awarded as the Best Pet Insurance Provider in the UAE in 2022, 2023, and 2024 consecutively.

My core responsibility at the firm comprises four major functionalities - Operations, Legal & Compliance, Marketing, and Customer Service. I am also part of the executive committee, where we meet every month to discuss strategies. Apart from being the chairman of the Risk Committee, I am also been a member of the ESG Committee, Employee Engagement Committee, and many more.

What have been the most critical challenges you encounter in your current role at Fidelity United? How do you overcome the said roadblocks?

One of the major challenges we face is staying abreast of the latest technologies as well as changing customer behavior. However, we always prioritize our final objective over everything else. We collectively decide on the primary objective based on our budget and plan our action plans accordingly. The second major challenge has been sailing the organization through the management change. We had to go through some major hurdles once we opted for a structural transition from a more traditional approach to a digital one.

It took some time for the team to embrace those changes. However, the management, I believe, did a great job by helping the employees sail through the process through extensive town hall meetings. We had to explain to the employees the importance of these organizational changes while assuring them of no layoffs as part of the transition. It also took a lot of effort to make the team accept the changes in overall job responsibilities to be able to stay abreast of the latest technologies and market trends.

Lastly, in today's extremely competitive market, providing a perfect work-life balance for employees has been a huge challenge. With the organization being at a stage of constant growth, employees have been constantly coping with overwhelming workloads. As part of the management, we are working on strategies to keep them engaged and motivated while ensuring a perfect work-life balance for them.

How do you foresee the Insurance space evolving in the Middle East in the near future? Which industry trends will create the most significant impact?

I strongly believe that Insurtech is the future. Currently, the insurance sector is going through a massive transformation while adopting digitalization as well as a wide range of technologies. Setting up an automated workflow also can help you monitor and control your tasks closely. With cyber insurance being at the center of attention, regulators today prioritize transparency and consumer protection while ensuring that we are compliant with international standards. While sometimes it can be overwhelming, it is for the greater good when you look at the bigger picture.

With climate change being a serious threat, many insurance companies today are looking more into green products and even preferring to partner with people with the same consideration. Lastly, being a customer-centric sector, we need to focus more on providing tailored insurance solutions based on customer requirements.

Ragheda El Khoury, Head - Operations, Customer Service & Legal, Fidelity United

Ragheda El Khoury is an industry leader with over two decades of ex­tensive experience in the insurance industry. In her current role as the Head of Operations, Customer Ser­vice & Legal, she has been instru­mental in building and implementing the company’s operational strategy as well as optimizing the business workflows. An inspiring leader with a proven track record in Strategic Management, Communication, Product Development, and Project Management, Ragheda has done her MBA in Financial Management from the University of Bordeaux and her BS in Actuarial Science from Notre Dame University – Louaize.

  • Educational Qualifica­tion: MBA in Financial Management, BS in Actuar­ial Science
  • A business leader you admire: Simon Sinek
  • Advice for aspiring women entrepreneurs/ business leaders: Never give up, you will never know when opportunities come your way