Racha Moukayed Mcclelland: Pioneering The Insurance Brokerage Industry With Ingenuity


Racha Moukayed Mcclelland: Pioneering The Insurance Brokerage Industry With Ingenuity

Racha Moukayed Mcclelland: Pioneering The Insurance Brokerage Industry With Ingenuity

Racha Moukayed Mcclelland
Managing Director

In the world of insurance, there are those who play the game and those who master it. Specialist insurance brokers fall into the latter category, as they possess the skills and know-how to expertly navigate the complex insurance market and provide tailor-made solutions for their clients. Howden Guardian Insurance Brokers is one such company that exemplifies the art of strategic risk management. They are known for their unique approach, blending the benefits of a large, global organization with the personalized touch of an employee-owned business. With a team of seasoned professionals, including the esteemed Managing Director Racha Moukayed McClelland, they have successfully helped numerous clients stay one step ahead of potential threats. Racha Moukayed McClelland is a name synonymous with excellence in the insurance industry. As the Managing Director of Howden Guardian Insurance Brokers, she has become a stalwart in the field, utilizing her vast experience and exceptional expertise to provide top-tier solutions for clients. Her strategic approach to risk management has earned her a reputation as a seasoned veteran in the industry, and she has consistently demonstrated a keen ability to navigate the market with ease. With Racha at the helm, clients can rest assured that their insurance needs are in the best of hands.

During an interview with us, Racha Moukayed McClelland shed light on the inner workings of the Howden Guardian Insurance Brokers and offered insights into the factors that have contributed to its success.

Can you describe your previous professional background and explain how it has contributed to your current abilities as a business leader?

When I joined Guardian Insurance Brokers, our family business begun by my father Fawaz in 1999, I was a clerk with a monthly salary of $700. My motivation is now focused on taking care of the team, giving them the tools they need, and encouraging them to provide the absolute best service available in the market. I was inspired by the leadership style of a man and mentor named Carl almost twenty years ago; he influenced people to work hard while enjoying the experience, despite being over 70 years old and retiring a couple of times from insurance companies in the United States. In early March 2020, I made the decision to close the offices and work remotely due to COVID-19. For reasons unrelated to the pandemic, we had already installed a robust IT system to ensure business continuity and keep our promise to stakeholders. I also worked to keep our expatriate employees (some were physically located in South Africa, Jordan, and elsewhere in the region) motivated by connecting them through virtual platforms and social activities.

Can you provide a brief overview of Howden Guardian Insurance Brokers, including its main focus areas and underlying concept?

In a world of increasing uncertainties, insurance becomes a necessity to protect against potential losses. As an insurance broker in Abu Dhabi, our mission is to offer risk transfer solutions that provide security and peace of mind for our clients. From personal to commercial insurance, we specialize in a range of services that encompass everything from property and casualty to employee benefits. But we don't stop there. Our commitment to sustainability is at the heart of everything we do, and we are dedicated to making a positive impact on both society and the environment. By working closely with the UAE government and private sector, we strive to mitigate risks and promote sustainable development for a brighter future.

At our company, we understand that the key to success is not just about profits, but also about the positive impact we can make on the world. Our purpose-driven approach prioritizes environmental, social, and governance strategies that are designed to promote sustainable practices and safeguard our planet. We also recognize the value of diversity and strive to attract and retain talented employees, including those with disabilities, to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to our mission. With innovation at our core, we are constantly exploring new ways to protect the interests of our policyholders while making a meaningful impact on our world.

“My mantra for success is to be purpose-driven, communicate effectively, & maintain a positive mental attitude”

As a leader in the insurance industry, what do you believe are the most significant challenges you face? How do you go about addressing and resolving these obstacles?

As a leader in the insurance industry, one of the critical challenges I encounter is attracting talent that aligns with our company culture. We prioritize finding individuals with the right philosophy and business ethics; only after they meet those criteria, we consider their qualifications and skills to sustainably grow the business. Another challenge I face is being a woman in a leadership position in a male-dominated industry. I recently participated in my first Arabic-language interview, where I shared advice for Arab women, including not taking things personally and working hard to project good values, experience, and knowledge. Running a company is easier than being a housewife, mother, and partner simultaneously. Currently, I do not see any significant challenges as I use different tactics to address them, and taking my own advice, I don’t take things personally.

Can you share the three most significant achievements you have accomplished in your career so far, and what do you believe has been the key to your success?

I have achieved several milestones throughout my professional journey. I formed a great team and established governance policies to support the growth of employee benefits in 2005. I mentored Executive MBA students from my alma mater, which provided me with different perspectives including helping me improve my own business. I was able to restructure my company without external help, even during the COVID pandemic. I’m also proud to be a mother of twins and to inspire and encourage people to be better individuals every day. My mantra for success is to be purpose-driven, communicate effectively, and maintain a positive mental attitude. It is important to be open, transparent, authentic, and engaging with the public in general and stakeholders in particular. I believe in helping people be the best versions of themselves rather than centralizing power.

What is your prediction for the future of the insurance industry in the Middle East? Which trends do you think will have the greatest impact on the industry?

The insurance industry in the Middle East is necessarily expected to focus on climate change going forward as it will undoubtedly impact the economy and our lives. Many insurance companies are already aligning their internal policies with global ESG policies, and innovative products related to climate change are being introduced. The other industries going through ESG are facing lawsuits, leading to the need for insurance policies to support them in case of losses. The Central Bank of UAE is taking the lead in bringing changes to the industry locally, and there is optimism about the future. However, it is important to simplify the business environment as complexity can hinder growth. Everyone needs to be engaged in the conversation to drive decisions that make it easier for businesses to grow and the next generation to take over with fewer challenges.

Racha Moukayed Mcclelland, Managing Director, Howden Guardian Insurance Brokers

Racha is a prominent figure in the insurance brokerage industry and has consistently demonstrated excellence in herwork.