
Priyal Shah: A Woman Leader Redefining The Norms Of Financial Advisory Industry
Priyal Shah
Partner, White Rose Financial Advisors
Nothing beats a woman who is passionate and determined about her destiny. The quote truly fits the story of every woman leader who refuses to forfeit their fervor despite the obstructions faced by them. Without succumbing to the patriarchal norms of the society, a successful woman paves her path to reach the summit of her desired success. Such is the story of Priyal Shah who is successfully bestowing financial assistance and services through her brainchild White Rose Financial Advisors (WRFA).
Currently, at an initial stage in the finance industry, WRFA is an ethical foundation that aspires to see the company among the top financial advisory firms in the country under the hard work and able guidance of Priyal Shah. A Chartered Accountant and an Investment Advisor by qualification, Priyal Shah has more than 8 years of industry experience and hands-on skills within the realm of taxation, investments, and Financial Advisory.
“Many non-professional agents tend to prioritize their monetary gains thus jeopardizing the interest of the clients. What may seem to be good for the client actually may not be the best financial investment plan for them. All of this, along with my education and experience in the field of finance pushed me to embark on this entrepreneurial journey, where I would not only benefit my clients but also the society at large,” Priyal Shah, Founder at WRFA.
Assuring Best-In-Standard Results
With a ‘Plant Your Aspirations’ as the tagline suggests, WRFA has been constantly working towards nurturing and growing the financial aspirations of their clients. The company was incorporated after taking advice from plenty of industry experts where it was found that the people are misguided on the financial front. As bank employees sell investment and insurance products; however, they might leave jobs for some lucrative propositions thereby hampering the continuous service.
WRFA came into being to change the old regime in the field of financial planning, changing the mere selling of financial products in the name of financial planning. As certain practices like sharing of commission, misleading guidance due to lack of expertise depict the short-sightedness of not only investors but also advisors as they are likely to result in lagging of services in the long run. Priyal decided to take up the responsibility in a professionally prolific manner and provide the right guidance to those in dire need of it. “I am currently servicing many individuals who are not my clients but need help with their finances and not a single penny is charged for such services, effectuating my purpose of contributing to the society at large,” she adds.
“WRFA has a comprehensive range of financial services, industry experience and specialist skills within the organisation, we truly uphold our personal approach”
Delivering One-Stop Solution
WRFA is a one-stop solution for taking care of all your current and future finances, managing taxes, investments and insurances with an approachable yet professional attitude for all its clients. The services would include – Tax Planning, Financial Advisory, Investment in Mutual Funds, Bonds & many other such investment products, Portfolio Management Services, Life Insurance and General Insurance. Well, in a nutshell, they will do anything and everything that will help in managing clients’ money and ensure that it grows well. As a Certified Financial Planner, it is WRFA’s fiduciary duty to ensure that the client’s interests are of cardinal importance. “However, achieving this without my team support is impossible. Meticulously training the employees and instilling a sense of ownership encourages them to conscientiously deliver quality services. This ensures customer satisfaction and lower employee turnover.”
Giving An Advice Of Leadership
“For being able to do good business, apart from abilities and a positive attitude, one needs to take good care of their family,” signifies Priyal. “Maintaining a balance between the same helps one to gain the full support of their family, and is very crucial for a healthy mind to be able to do quality work.” Thereafter, Priyal also cited about taking care of one’s employees, being a guide to them with a considerate attitude is decisive as they are the backbone of the company. “And last but not the least, be honest towards clients and work the extra mile for them always. Success may not always come on the first day, but it is sure to take place if one consistently works toward achieving his/her dreams. And by success, it not only means money, fame and respect, but also pride, satisfaction and happiness,” she adds.
Priyal Shah, Partner, White Rose Financial Advisors
Working in the field of taxation and finance since 2011, Priyal Shah graduated from Narsee Monjee College Mumbai, and successfully completed her C.A. to become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) by end of 2020. Currently handling the front end of her advisory firm White Rose Financial Advisors, Priyal Shah is focused on expanding the business model/services while simultaneously managing the operations team.
Hand-Holding Clients Towards Financial Wellness
From forecasting, reflecting, to calculating unforeseen upheavals, and assisting remediation action to keep clients investments secure with healthy returns, WRFA has been hand-holding its clients towards financial wellness; thus ensuring cash flow from investments as planned. From tax planning and consultancy, investment planning, corporate laws and governance, insurance planning to family office services, WRFA has been offering end-to-end services to meet every requirements of its clients. Furthermore, they also offer additional services that include will writing, accounting services, income tax scrutiny and appeal matters, international taxation, servicing and reporting of insurance policies, monitoring current mutual fund portfolio, cross border investments, among others.
Special Services For Ambitious Minds And Budding Entrepreneurs
WRFA’s SET UP INDIA is a special service designed for ambitious minds and budding entrepreneurs, from mainly start-ups to foreign companies and NRI professionals, who are willing to commence their journey in India. Regardless of the type of business/profession, their experts will guide you through the entire set up process until your business is functional and recommend the best practices in your interest. WRFA ensures to keep the hassle to bare minimum and promise your financial journey in India to be a pleasant one.
Priyal Shah, Founder stated, “During my initial years of practice, I realised how the idea of money management was daunting for most of the people I interacted with. I wanted to be there for individuals and enterprises, big or small, and provide micro solutions for macro success. I strongly advocate regular savings as the key to financial wellbeing, and WRFA aims to make this plausible with simple yet insightful projections.”
“WRFA has a comprehensive range of financial services, industry experience and specialist skills within the organisation, we truly uphold our personal approach mindset to coordinate all your needs. We are here to offer strategic advice and lasting collaboration that will be beneficial in the coming future. And as the needs and wants change, so does WRFA advice and services.”