
Nafeesa Ahmed: Introducing Students To Ideas & Concepts Beyond Classrooms
Nafeesa Ahmed
Vice Chairperson & Director, Presidency Group Of Institutions
Long since been acknowledged as the ‘Silicon Valley’ of India and coupled with being recognized as the ‘Second Most Student-friendly City in India’ (after Mumbai, per the QS Rankings of 2023), Bangalore is the hub of Quality Education, from Pre-Primary to University Education. It is the host to many elite and reputed Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning.
Armed with a rich legacy of 46 years of yeoman service to the Student Community, at large, through the propagation of High-Quality and Era-relevant Academic Dispensation, the Presidency Group of Institutions is today, universally acknowledged as one of the most illustrious Chain of Educational Institutions, spread across the K-12, Pre-University, Collegiate and University Segments of the Education Canvass. Ms. Nafeesa Ahmed, today, leads this Chain of Elite Institutions in the K-12 segment.
Ms. Nafeesa is focused in offering Quality Affordable - education to all Students irrespective of caste creed, religion, race, colour, gender or social status- a concept of “Equal Opportunity in Diversity”. Ms. Nafeesa and her Team leave no stone unturned in ensuring that the Students of Presidency Institutions have the benefit of learning from Highly Accomplished Teachers, Cutting-edge Pedagogy, State-of-the-art Facilities, Technology-driven Learning and advanced blend of Co-curricular/extracurricular activities amidst Academic Rigour. Students graduating from the Presidency Group of Institutions carry with them contemporary knowledge, career-relevant skill sets and above all, the attitude and aptitude to succeed, all ingredients of a Holistic Education Model.
Women Entrepreneur Magazine recently engaged with her, below is an excerpt of Nafeesa Ahmed’s exclusive interaction with us.
Introduce us to the Presidency Group of Institutions. Tell us about the underlying idea behind the venture and some of its most unique features.
My father, Dr. Nissar Ahmed, founded the Presidency Group of Institutions in 1976 with a single-minded pursuit of ensuring high quality School Education at affordable cost - a vision which Dr. Nissar is committed to even to this very date, after more four decades of sustained efforts in that direction. I see myself as the Gen-next Torch-bearer of the same Presidency Philosophy and Ethos as was envisaged then by our Chairman. I am committed to carry forward that unique tradition of dedicated approach to Time-relevant Teaching and Research. The Presidency Philosophy is founded on the Secular Divine Law that ‘No Human is superior to another, in the eyes of the Lord Almighty’. The intrinsic strength of this Group has evolved from the relentless efforts of Dr. Nissar and his immediate family towards encouraging children from Underprivileged and Economically Backward Communities, to educate themselves.
Tell us about the various responsibilities your shoulder as the Director of the Presidency Group of Institutions. What are your primary focus areas in the said role?
I made my foray into the realm of Education more than a decade ago, eleven years to be precise. My baby steps were indeed part of a steep Learning-curve, which I feel I have crossed. Working at close quarters with and under the supervision of my father, Dr. Nissar, I was fortunate to witness his decision-making process, develop strategies and move things ahead. Though I did learn much under the tutelage of my father, it was only when I took over the mantle from him, did I really realize that Learning is a life-long process.
Being Academically-inclined, my initial areas of interest and focus was Curriculum Design and Development, Innovation in Teaching Pedagogy, Outcome based Formative and Summative Assessment and ensuring a more holistic Teaching- Learning Process. Since the last five years my Role and Focus has shifted to more relevant aspects of Knowledge Dissemination and Skill Enhancement through a wellstructured Teaching Learning Ecosystem.
During the Pandemic I led the transformation of the Team from traditional Physical Classroom Learning to Virtual Classroom Learning and then on to Blended Classrooms. Today I am more of a General leading an army of accomplished Academicians from the front, offering the best and nothing but the best of Student Learning.
"Students graduating from the Presidency Group of Institutions carry with them contemporary knowledge, careerrelevant skill sets and above all, the attitude and aptitude to succeed, all ingredients of a Holistic Education Model"
Throw some light on the most critical business challenges you face as a business leader in education. What steps do you take to overcome the roadblocks that you encounter?
Not many will agree to this view of mine. One of the most critical challenge that I face is to need to continually evolve, innovate and inspire my Teachers and Students to ensure propagation of sustained Quality Education. Great Teachers are in great demand, given the mushrooming of Schools and Colleges, across Bangalore. This Demand-supply imbalance of Teachers is directly impacting the Operating Cost of the Institutions, necessitating increase in Fee, from time to time, to sustain the Quality of Academic Output at our Schools.
This calls for constant reiteration of the Group Vision and Mission Statements across the Presidency Canvass and towards ensuring the congruence of the Institutional Goals and Personal Aspirations of the Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff. A challenge indeed! Sustainability of Models that offer diverse skill enhancing academic dimension is taking a beating and we need to be on our toes all the time.
In your opinion what are some of the most significant milestones that you have achieved throughout your professional journey?
I started in this sector knowing very little beyond what I have seen in my father at work. It has been a fascinating learning experience ever since. With all due credit to my father, the skills I acquired were invaluable. One of the most significant milestones in my Professional Sojourn, so far, has been the acceptance of the Teachers and Parents of the contemporary and ever evolving Curriculum that my Team designed, developed and delivered. This is a testimony to our relentless efforts at making sure that our Stakeholders, Parents, Students and Teachers are all content and happy with our Academic and Co-curricular initiatives. The third most significant milestone, under my guard, has been the seamless transformation Learning from being Rote-based to Experience-driven.
Nafeesa Ahmed, Vice Chairperson & Director, Presidency Group Of Institutions
Ms. Nafeesa Completed Her Bachelor Of Business Management From Mount Carmel College And Master Of Science In International Management From Royal Holloway – University Of London. Furthermore, In 2012 She Joined The Presidency Group Of Institutions Established By Her Father Dr. Nissar Ahmed And Has Been Serving As The Vice Chairperson And Director Of The Group. Ms. Nafeesa Also Holds A Master’ Degree In English [ Ma] And A Bachelor’s Degree In Education [B. Ed.]