Mounia Chahri: Serving With Pride & Leading With Confidence


Mounia Chahri: Serving With Pride & Leading With Confidence

Mounia Chahri: Serving With Pride & Leading With Confidence

Mounia Chahri
Founder, La Blanche Beauty Center

Exemplary leadership skills, adaptability, and multitasking ability are the unique qualities of women entrepreneurs, who are now making a mark in every industry across the world. Having unique traits like gauging opportunities and taking risks when needed, women are creating a huge impact in various sectors. Mounia Chahri, Founder, La Blanche Beauty Center is one such emerging entrepreneur who is determined to rise and lead herself to a successful future. With rich educational qualifications in Digital Communication, PR, and Interior Designing and seven years of professional experience in various industries, Mounia is all set to foray into the entrepreneurial adventure. She is the founder & owner of not one but two businesses in Dubai, namely, La Blanche Beauty Center and Moun Interior Living. The rising star is an extremely optimistic and passionate professional who has been a high achiever in all her previous roles and is already winning customers’ hearts across the region, as her career continues its meteoric rise. Let’s hear it from Mounia.

Tell us about the underlying idea behind La Blanche Beauty Center and some of its most unique features.

Teeth whitening is among the most popular cosmetic beauty routines but the process can be sensitive & painful for some people. During my stay in Netherlands, Europe, I got a chance to visit a place that offered teeth whitening, it was nothing like a dental clinic and the experience was amazing. This experience gave me the idea to establish a safe & cozy cosmetic whitening center of my own in Dubai. This is how La Blanche Beauty Center came into existence. Today, the center offers Teeth Whitening packages & products that are chemical-free and safe for the long run. We do not promote laser methods as we want to be 100 percent noninvasive in our procedures. We use a unique technology where the LED light is combined with gel giving out fabulous bright results for teeth.

What made you switch from one industry to another and finally become an entrepreneur?

When I started my career, I was very young and had just passed out of my Diploma. At that time, though I was placed very well, my mind kept telling me that I am not meant for a nine-to-five job. I liked to build things of my own, work at the ground level and make my hands dirty. But I also knew, to establish myself as an entrepreneur, I needed to have enough experience and sufficient capital for investment. It took me two long years of working in different organizations to have a closure. Today I am the owner of two businesses that I operate leveraging all the experiences that I have acquired in my previous roles. In short, the urge for independence and to be my own boss made me take the road to entrepreneurship.

This desire to be my own boss motivates me to work hard and take my business to the next level

Tell us about the various responsibilities you shoulder as the founder of La Blanche Beauty Center.

As the founder of the center, I am into every aspect of the business. But more specifically, I handle the communication, marketing, and influencer branding for the center. I also make sure that my people are contributing effectively toward the vision of the center.

Throw some light on the most critical business challenges you face as an entrepreneur in Dubai. How do you overcome the roadblocks?

In the Middle East and especially in Dubai the most challenging thing while doing business is to match clients’ expectations. This is so tough because here the quality of customer service is very high. People have already set a standard for themselves and any new business that joins the market needs to work double to live up to that standard. Especially in the cosmetic teeth whitening industry, people are never satisfied with their shades and do not want to compromise on their looks. Hence, we always have to be the best in our services.

What is the motivation that leads you to positive outcomes?

Our society is a gender-specific society, though many things have changed, there are still some sections where renovation is required in terms of gender equality. Even today men are expected to take leading positions in their professional careers while women are expected to get married and start a family. I did not want to give in to such mindsets. I have always been different. I wanted to lead and not follow. This desire to be my own boss motivates me to work hard and take my business to the next level.

What would your advice be to young women who aspire to become entrepreneurs in the future?

I would advise them to just start and take the first step from wherever they are and whatever they have; they will learn so many lessons just by doing.

Mounia Chahri, Founder, La Blanche Beauty Center

A passionate entrepreneur with extraordi­nary leadership capabilities, Mounia is com­mitted to making people look and feel their best by providing chemical-free & pain-free teeth whitening solutions.

Headquarters: Dubai