Mai Vejjajiva Timblick: Leveraging Industry Experience To Redefine Creativity


Mai Vejjajiva Timblick: Leveraging Industry Experience To Redefine Creativity

Mai Vejjajiva Timblick: Leveraging Industry Experience To Redefine Creativity

Mai Vejjajiva Timblick

Today, women have been steadily rising to leadership positions, influencing and shap­ing the industry in significant ways. One such admirable leader is Mai Vejjajiva Tim­blick, Chief Creative Officer at Standard International. Mai’s professional journey began with a few formative years in finance working at Deutsche Morgan Gren­fell in London. She subsequently joined Jim Thomp­son, a brand Mai cherished so much that she dedicat­ed almost 20 years to the company. This experience in branding and marketing lead Mai to a Chief Global Branding Officer role at Sansiri and now Chief Creative Officer at Standard International where Mai has the privilege of driving creativity and innovation for the rapidly expanding The Standard hotels.

Can you share your prior industry experience and explain how it has equipped you to be a more effective leader today?

My passion for creativity started in the world of luxury home furnishings at Jim Thompson, where I was re­sponsible for their Branding and Marketing activities worldwide. This role introduced me to the captivating world of interior design. Working with Jim Thompson fabrics allowed me to work with incredibly talented designers and architects, exposed me to incredible projects spanning the globe, from New York, Los Ange­les, London, Paris, Tokyo, to exotic resorts in Thailand, Vietnam, the Caribbean not to mention private jets and luxury yachts. This role at Jim Thompson took me travelling across all continents for many years which has cultivated my appreciation of diverse tastes, cul­tures, and people, that continues to fuel my creativity today. I believe that passion for one's job and industry of work is the key to success and happiness, ultimate­ly fostering self-confidence and the ability to embrace different perspectives. These qualities, in turn, enable effective leadership within a team.

Please provide an overview of The Standard Hotel and outline your responsibilities as the Chief Creative Officer of the hotel.

Since its establishment in 1999, The Standard brand has revolutionized hospitality for imaginative trav­elers worldwide. By integrating design, culture, and service, it offers guests unforgettable experiences in extraordinary locations.

Renowned for its groundbreaking design, discern­ing clientele, and distinctiveness, The Standard hotels have expanded from their initial launch in Hollywood to prestigious destinations across the globe, including New York, Miami, London, the Maldives, Hua Hin, Ibi­za, and Bangkok. Every project, whether it's a city ho­tel, a beachfront resort, or a rooftop bar, aims to defy conventions, elevate aesthetic standards, and provide an unparalleled experience unique to the brand. This approach, characterized by an unconventional and playful sensibility, meticulous attention to design and service details, has cemented The Standard's reputa­tion as a trailblazer in the hospitality sector

As the Chief Creative Officer, my key part of my responsibility is shaping the brand's image and vi­sion and ensuring that it remains distinctive and forward-thinking always. This means overseeing all aspects of branding and marketing for the company. By creating compelling narratives for each new hotel that shapes the guest experience across various touch points from F&B concepts, in-room experiences, to uni­forms and all collaterals. Cultivating the brand’s Cul­tural Programming is another key role that includes ideation of activations and fostering meaningful part­nerships for the brand as well as burgeoning retail business. In summary, my role as the Chief Creative Officer entails being both a visionary and a pragmatic executor, translating creativity into profitable realities for The Standard.

Cultivating the brand’s cultural programming is a key role that includes ideation of activations & fostering meaningful partnerships for the brand as well as burgeoning retail business

Tell us about the top three professional milestones you have achieved over the years?

Firstly, establishing Jim Thompson as a major home furnishings brand in leading yet competitive mar­kets like the US, France, UK and Italy. Following that was the creation of a new brand under Jim Thomp­son called No 9 Thompson that was a diffusion brand which introduced the company to a fresh new audi­ence. This endeavor not only expanded the brand's reach but also showcased its versatility and ability to cater to a different audience.

Then most recent and most meaningful milestones have been the successful openings of two very dis­tinct hotels: The Standard, Hua Hin (opened Nov 2021) and The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon (opened July 2022). Prior to these openings The Standard had little brand presence and awareness in Thailand, but because of the allure and attraction of the brand we opened two very successful properties within six months of each other. Despite being two very different properties, they both perfectly embody The Standard’s vision and culture. Hua Hin is an intimate, yet vibrant beachfront resort nestled in a once sleepy seaside town, while Bangkok is our glamorous Asia flagship located in the capital’s tallest skyscraper. The mission is, for guests, to experience the unexpected when com­ing to our hotels and to create a vibe and aesthetic like no other hotel (in fact anywhere in the world). Embrac­ing local culture with a global sensibility is one of the hallmarks that makes the brand so powerful, and this is perfectly represented in these two successful open­ings.

The hotels in Hua Hin and Bangkok are not only a commercial success but are exactly what we had al­ways envisioned and intended as experiences of The Standard in these two very different destinations.

These milestones represent an ability to create and establish successful new brands, navigate challeng­ing markets, and deliver extraordinary experiences to guests.

As a business leader, what principles guide your success?

I believe in the power of open-mindedness, constantly challenging conventional norms, and celebrating the unique qualities of individuals and their personalities.

Based on your wealth of experience, what advice or message would you like to share with aspiring women leaders and entrepreneurs?

My advice is to avoid being burdened by gender ste­reotypes and biases. Instead, focus on discovering and pursuing your passion wholeheartedly, as it is through this dedication that you will truly thrive and excel.

Mai Vejjajiva Timblick, CCO, The Standard Hotel

Mai Vejjajiva Timblick is a distinguished professional and creative visionary serving as the Chief Creative Officer at Standard International. With a diverse background and extensive experience in the hospitality industry, Mai has been instrumental in redefining creativity and setting new standards in the field.