Maha Al Balushi: A Strong Marketing Professional Aimed To Grow Client's Businesses


Maha Al Balushi: A Strong Marketing Professional Aimed To Grow Client's Businesses

Maha Al Balushi: A Strong Marketing Professional Aimed To Grow Client's Businesses

Maha Al Balushi
Founder & Chief Strategist, Creative KEY

Being an entrepreneur is a challenging journey and as the founder, one has to take care of her company like a mother who takes care of her small child. This fact is proven effectively by MahaAl Balushi, who at a very young age carried out every responsibility at her workplace. Being the founder and chief strategist at Creative KEY was no less than a challenge to her but she played the game well. Despite her young age, she had both knowledge and experience to create a successful marketing strategy for clients’ businesses.

She was lucky enough to get the chance to study abroad. After high school, she got a scholarship to the United Kingdom for 6 years. She pursued a Diploma in marketing and advertising, followed by a bachelor’s degree in media & culture studies and finally a master’s degree from the University of Nottingham. In 2021, despite the pandemic, she had enough courage to pursue her education further and got certified as a digital marketing specialist from the American Marketing Association. Soon after her graduation, she started working in different marketing and advertising agencies around GCCs and she has also worked with multiple clients in Oman and beyond. The Women Entrepreneur Team caught up with vibrant Maha in a candid conversation about her entrepreneurial journey. Here are some snippets from the conversation.

Take us through the prior industry experience that you bring to the table.

Creative Key has started its business with a zero budget. Without a team or an office I carried out every responsibility with my knowledge, hard work and self-confidence. I remember I used to create marketing plans, develop marketing solutions by myself. I would go to companies and would convince them to collaborate with me. So many people have raised their hands to support me just because they can see that I was trying to create something valuable with the little resources I had. Also, the government has played a great role in supporting Creative KEY and other small businesses. We have a special authority in Oman that’s only specialised to SMEs- the SME development authority, which works to support & grow SMEs and raise their capabilities.

Tell us about the varied expertise you possess in the marketing and advertising industry. What are the different skills that you possess that help you in your current role as the chief strategist at creative key?

I worked in various positions in previous jobs. I met clients in different sectors such as telecom, tourism, petroleum, education, banking and more. in both private and public sectors. I also worked with a lot of small businesses which enhanced my experience. I believe I was always blessed with the best bosses and colleagues. In my early years, one of my bosses offered me one hour every week, where I will sit with him and I would ask him anything, as I wanted to learn more about marketing and advertising. I always take any chance to learn more. I am a reader and read daily. Also, I keep enrolling in marketing and advertising courses to stay up to date with everything new in the marketing business. Everything I mentioned, together helped me to create a marketing agency and to be a successful marketing strategist where I can deliver something valuable to the table.

What are the various roles & responsibilities that you currently shoulder at creative key? How do you keep yourself well aligned with the periodic evolutions occurring within your respective industry and the tech world?

Creative KEY was established in 2018 and provides 360-degree marketing services. Starting from marketing plans and strategies to branding, digital marketing campaigns, designing, social media marketing, filming and on-ground activation, it offers a wide range of services. We are young and passionate and always aim to grow our client’s businesses. Initially, I had to carry out every responsibility but now after building a team, I can build marketing strategies and plans for our clients, which then moves to the execution team which turns strategies to reality. When it comes to working with our clients I believe that everyone in my team is an expert.

Since the last period, just when the pandemic has started, the whole world changed completely. Therefore, people started realising that we need to move online and a lot of newspapers went to digital copies along with a lot of companies started to develop new online wats that can help to keep going during the pandemic. I believe, that if you want to keep your business running, then you need to be flexible and manage to change your strategies along with the current situation you are living in.

“I believe the minute you take the full responsibility of yourself and stop blaming anyone and anything you will be able to move forward”

Marketing is a fast moving industry, therefore you should never stop learning, and the minute you think that you know enough, is the minute you are going to move backward.

As a successful entrepreneur, what would your advice be to young women and girls aspiring to become business leaders and entrepreneurs in the future?

Believe in yourself, trust yourself, you and only you can create a better future for yourself, and if I can do it then you can too.

I believe the minute you take the full responsibility of yourself and stop blaming anyone and anything you will be able to move forward.

And I have to mention here that my family has also played a great role in forming my personality and have been very supportive, and I wish that we can have more families supporting their daughters in order to reach their dreams.

Maha Al Balushi, Founder & Chief Strategist, Creative Key

MahaAl Balushi, who at a very young age carried out every responsibility at her workplace. Being the founder and chief strategist at Creative KEY was no less than a challenge to her but she played the game well. Despite her young age, she had both knowledge and experience to create a successful marketing strategy for clients’ businesses.