Julia El Sidawi: Building Connection With Specialized Exhibits, Events And Marketing


Julia El Sidawi: Building Connection With Specialized Exhibits, Events And Marketing

Julia El Sidawi: Building Connection With Specialized Exhibits, Events And Marketing

Julia El Sidawi
Managing Partner, Orchestra Media

"Nothing is impossible if you are really committed to your goals, and you have a dream team to do it with," says Julia El Sidawi. Julia is the Managing Partner of Orchestra Media, a company that helps businesses maximize their potential through unique content creation, customer engagement stations, exhibits and activations. Its Headquarters are at Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE and Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Since its establishment, Orchestra Media has established itself as a multinational company with principal offices in Singapore, Moscow, Damman, Buenos Ayres and Lisbon.

In an exclusive interview with us, she takes us through the journey and vision that motivates her to perform and inspire.

Give Us A Brief Overview Of Orchestra Media. What Are Some Important Features About Your Expertise As A Business Leader That You Want Us To Highlight Through The Article?

As a former co-owner of Eclipse Group, during the Covid-19 crisis, I decided to join forces with Natasha Litvinov (owner of Maestro Displays) and form a full-service marketing agency. This is how Orchestra Media was born. We are an international team specializing in Exhibits, Events and Marketing. The company's mission is to successfully create a deep and profound connection with customers and stakeholders so they stay loyal to the client's business for life.

Being a business leader in times like these can be challenging. The secret is to adapt and innovate and reinvent ourselves.

Take Us Through Your Early Educational Journey And Prior Industry Experience. How Was The Seed Sown For Your Affinity Towards Events Management?

Ever since 9th grade I knew what I wanted to do in my professional life. I've always wanted to organize events and bring joy to people. My passion led me to obtain a degree from Moscow State University of Culture and Art as a Director of Show Performances.

When I first moved to Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, the title of "Woman Director" didn't exist, so I had to change my title to Events Manager. In 2009, when I met Natasha, my business partner, the exhibition industry became a big part of my life.

What are the specific areas of expertise that Orchestra Media is known for? What are some of the most significant milestones achieved by the firm thus far?

Orchestra Media answers every client's needs in today's less physical, more digital world. We invented Hybrid Stands, we create exhibitions, events, experiential marketing products and we are a full-service marketing agency.

“Orchestra media answers every client's needs in today's less physical, more digital world”

What we do when we take a client on, is we study their current needs, and we decide on the best strategy to get them ahead of their competition. Every client's goal at the end of the day is to sell a product or a service in the most effective and innovative way, and our job is to guide them through that complex process with the unparalleled customer care and speed of execution. After creating the strategy, we fully execute it in every area that needs support whether its exhibits, marketing, activations or digital work.

As One Of The Primary Leaders At Orchestra Media, How Do You Drive Growth Within The Organization? What Is Your Guiding Leadership Philosophy?

I help Orchestra Media grow by listening and focusing on our employees' strengths. Everybody has a spark in them, but we, as leaders, must maintain and encourage it.

What Are Some Of The Most Challenging Aspects Of Your Current Role And How Do You Overcome Them?

The most challenging aspect of my current role is time. Not only of my current role, I think this is a generally challenging aspect in everyone's life. Although, I manage to keep my head above water with the help of my colleagues and loved ones.

What Steps Do You Take To Keep Yourself Well Aligned With The Periodic Evolutions Occurring In The Industry?

Before every important decision I make I always try to ground myself and think strategically. Change is always going to happen, it's our response to it that matters.

As A Successful Business Leader What Would Your Advice Be To Young Women Aspiring To Become Business Leaders And Entrepreneurs In The Future?

My advice for young women is to never give up. People might say that you're not good enough, that it's hard and that you won't achieve anything. Only trust yourself and your own powers and let people talk, while you walk away on your journey to success.

Julia EL Sidawi, Managing Partner, Orchestra Media

Julia is the Managing Partner of Orchestra Media, a company that helps businesses maximize their potential through unique content creation, customer engagement stations, exhibits and activations.