Dr. Smita Ranveer: Unveiling The Path To Wellbeing Through Unparalleled Expertise


Dr. Smita Ranveer: Unveiling The Path To Wellbeing Through Unparalleled Expertise

Dr. Smita Ranveer: Unveiling The Path To Wellbeing Through Unparalleled Expertise

Smita Ranveer
Lab Director and Chief Consultant

Women leaders in the field of diagnostics are rewriting the narrative of success in healthcare, breaking down barriers that once hindered their progress. Dr. Smita Ranveer, a notable figure in this realm, stands as a remarkable example. With nearly 16 years of experience, Dr. Smita has dedicated herself to precision and excellence in diagnostics, making significant contributions to histocytopathology.

Her extensive involvement in clinical practice, alongside her role as an assistant professor in both government and corporate hospitals, has underscored her commitment to fostering the next generation of medical professionals. Dr. Smita's journey serves as an inspiration for women entering the field, demonstrating that determination and expertise can triumph over any challenge. Engaging in an idiosyncratic interaction with Women Entrepreneur magazine, Dr. Smita shares the imperious details of her journey, professional milestones, and much more. Let’s hear it from her.

What inspired the inception of Radiance Clinical Diagnostic Centre, and could you elaborate on the core principles behind its establishment and the primary areas of expertise?

I established Radiance Clinical Diagnostic Centre with a deep-rooted commitment to elevating the standards of diagnostic pathology. The driving force behind this endeavor was the strong desire to bring precision, quality, and trust to the field of pathology. My vision was to create a Centre of pathological excellence that prioritizes histopathology, cytology, hematology, and clinical pathology, all essential for accurate diagnosis. We relentlessly pursued excellence, achieving NABL accreditation, and equipped our facility with the latest technology, ensuring automated processes for error-free and timely reports.

What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to patient care and satisfaction, operating 24/7, 365 days a year. We go the extra mile, offering home visits even at 2 am and the ability to provide urgent reports within two hours. With a skilled and experienced team under my guidance, we aim to deliver quality healthcare services while providing a human touch, ensuring our patients' peace of mind and well-being.

At radiance clinical diagnostic centre, we realize that within every diagnosis lies an opportunity for healing, and in every challenge, the strength to overcome

Could you provide insights into your role as a Lab Director?

As the Lab Director, I bear the responsibility of overseeing every facet of our lab's operations and the quality of each report that bears my supervision. Given our NABL accreditation, we diligently adhere to the rigorous control checks mandated by NABL, conducting them three times a day to prevent any technical glitches or errors. It's my role to ensure the meticulous execution of these checks, scrutinizing reports for accuracy and completeness. We aim to be the single, dependable solution for all our patients' pathological needs, and my commitment is to uphold these standards in every aspect of our work.

As a leader in diagnostics pathology, what do you consider the most formidable challenges, and what strategies do you employ to surmount these obstacles?

One of the most critical challenges we faced was the initial struggle to attract samples and build trust. We started with minimal resources and had to work hard to gain recognition. To overcome this, I personally reached out to doctors and demonstrated our specialization and reporting style.As we gained the trust of healthcare professionals and the number of samples increased, we encountered the challenge of managing growth while maintaining quality. We gradually expanded our team to handle the influx of samples. Despite the obstacles, we've come a long way, with a dedicated team and a growing number of samples, and we remain committed to further improvement and growth.

Share some of the standout professional accomplishments you've attained along your career path.

After completing my MBBS and MD, I underwent specialized training at Lilavati Hospital, focusing on histopathology and cytopathology. This foundation paved the way for me to contribute to the field with 16 publications, active participation in conferences, and numerous posters and publications under my name. In 2023, being recognized as the Women Entrepreneur of the Year by Lokmat in collaboration with Kolors Awards was a proud moment for me. Furthermore, attaining NABL accreditation for our lab has been a crucial achievement.

What has been your mantra for success as a business leader?

My recipe for success as a business leader is quite straightforward. First, having a clear vision is crucial; it's like setting a clear goal. Second, working hard is essential – putting in the effort to reach that goal. Third, focus is important; it means staying on track and avoiding distractions. And fourth, consistency, which means sticking to your plan over time. These four principles have been my compass, helping me tackle the ups and downs of leadership and finding success in the business world.

A business leader you admire- Ratan Tata for his Philanthropy, Meghana Pandit ,First female CEO of Oxford University,Hospital (OUH),and Indira Nooyi ,who was chairman and chief executive officer of PepsiCo. For their dedication and hard work.

Advice for aspiring women entrepreneurs and business leaders- Be clear on your vision, be strong, work hard, and never give up. Ups and downs are part of business, but never give up. Own your power.

Dr. Smita Ranveer, Lab Director And Chief Consultant, Radiance Clinical Diagnostic Centre Kshamata Group

Dr. Smita Ranveer earned her MBBS and MD in Pathology from the prestigious Sion Hospital, Mumbai, and further honed her skills with specialized training in Histo-cyto Pathology at Lilavati Hospital. With nearly 16 years of clinical experience, Dr. Smita has numerous publications in both national and international journals. She has five years of teaching experience in government and corporate hospitals, where she served as an assistant professor. Driven by a desire to provide quality healthcare services, she established Radiance Clinical Diagnostics Centre, where she is the Lab director and Chief Consultant Pathologist.