Dr. Shaimaa soherwardi: enhancing healthcare accessibility & quality through innovative approaches


Dr. Shaimaa soherwardi: enhancing healthcare accessibility & quality through innovative approaches

Dr. Shaimaa soherwardi: enhancing healthcare accessibility & quality through innovative approaches

Dr. Shaimaa Soherwardi
CEO, Integro Hospitals

Women leaders play a crucial role in the healthcare industry. They bring with them a unique set of skills, emotional intelligence, and soft skills which are essential for nurturing a supportive environment and guiding the growth of the setup. One such versatile leader is Dr. Shaimaa Soherwardi, CEO of Integro Hospitals.

Dr. Shaimaa has pursued dentistry, stem cell research, MSc in Biotechnology, and MDS in Oral Pathology before establishing Integro Hospitals. Starting from scratch, she transformed it into a 50-bed facility with NABH accreditation. Dr. Shaimaa's mission to improve healthcare quality and accessibility is motivated and inspired by her unwavering determination and empathy.

Embarking in an engaging interaction with Women Entrepreneurs Review magazine, Dr. Shaimaa shares the details of her journey as one of the influencing leaders in the country. Let’s delve into it.

What are the key responsibilities that you shoulder as the CEO of Integro Hospitals?

My main duties cover various tasks to ensure that our facility runs smoothly. I was deeply involved in every aspect but gradually I have assigned these responsibilities to capable individuals. I still oversee all the departments and make sure that everyone aligns with the organizational goals of providing our patients with the highest standard of care. I play a crucial role in human resources by recognizing and retaining talents who will be beneficial for the hospital’s growth and expansion and also provide my team members with the freedom to work in their area of expertise and encourage open communication and creativity.

We try to make a friendly environment for every patient by emphasizing compassionate & reasonably priced care

What unique strategies and initiatives have you implemented to improve patient care and affordability in your healthcare institution?

We offer surgery packages that are budget-friendly because I realized that a lot of patients worry about outrageous expenses. We have also formed alliances with independent surgeons, providing our surgical facilities to them for use in their procedures. This frees them up from administrative responsibilities and enables them to treat patients who might not otherwise be able to pay for care at larger hospitals. Due to our constant pricing, we are also drawing in patients from the Middle East and Africa. We focus on sincere and empathetic care to help foreign patients feel welcomed and at ease, which has resulted in great word-of-mouth recommendations.

What have been the most critical challenges you encounter in terms of leading a healthcare institution? How do you overcome the said roadblocks?

Staffing has been a major problem because the majority of employees in the healthcare sector are highly educated professionals who may quit for better opportunities. We experienced acute shortages of resources during COVID-19. Getting remdesivir injections was a significant obstacle because the medication was in short supply and in great demand. Later, the pharmaceutical firms first refused to accept the returned injections when things improved and we had extra inventory. I exerted pressure on the corporation and ultimately succeeded in getting them to return the almost-expiry stock.

My strategy is to work as a team and look for answers whenever I encounter difficulties. I seek advice from colleagues in other hospitals if my team is unable to handle a problem. If necessary, I also deal directly with suppliers, negotiating or bringing matters up with higher authorities.

Tell us about the most important professional milestone that you have achieved throughout your professional journey.

Acquiring NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers) accreditation for our hospital is among the most significant professional accomplishments I have accomplished in my career. This required strict attention to quality standards and extensive improvements throughout the procedure. Attaining this accreditation was essential for maintaining the best possible care for our patients as well as for allowing us to offer insurance-covered services, which is critical for our patients' accessibility and cost.

How do you foresee the Indian healthcare landscape evolving in the near future?

I see a major shift in the Indian healthcare system coming from technological developments and medical tourism. India already draws a lot of international patients, and with advancements in technology and better-functioning insurance markets, it may overtake other countries as a leading medical tourism destination.

Our IT and insurance infrastructures may require some work, even though we have some of the best medical specialists and facilities. We might improve our services and lessen the burden on hospitals by purchasing new technology and equipment with the financial support of the government.

A business leader you admire: Dr. Reddy, the owner of Apollo Hospitals, built the hospital from scratch and utilized innovative strategies like the hub and spoke method, franchising, and expanding pharmacies and labs to penetrate the market effectively.

Advice for aspiring women entrepreneurs and business leaders: I encourage women to pursue their passions relentlessly, embrace the power of manifestation, and keep learning. Never stop seeking opportunities and stay updated with the latest advancements to avoid becoming obsolete. 

A business leader you admire: Dr. Reddy, the owner of Apollo Hospitals, built the hospital from scratch and utilized innovative strategies like the hub and spoke method, franchising, and expanding pharmacies and labs to penetrate the market effectively.

Advice for aspiring women entrepreneurs and business leaders: I encourage women to pursue their passions relentlessly, embrace the power of manifestation, and keep learning. Never stop seeking opportunities and stay updated with the latest advancements to avoid becoming obsolete.

Dr. Shaimaa Soherwardi, CEO, Integro Hospitals

Dr. Shaimaa has a background in dentistry and advanced degrees in Biotechnology and Oral Pathology. She finished her healthcare management studies at ISB and completed the Finance for Growth program at NSRCEL, IIM-B, which was sponsored by Goldman Sachs, where she won honors for her entrepreneurial aptitude and business growth strategies.