Dr. Maya Rmeity: Fostering Inclusive Cultures Through Innovative Diversity And Mentorship Strategies


Dr. Maya Rmeity: Fostering Inclusive Cultures Through Innovative Diversity And Mentorship Strategies

Dr. Maya Rmeity: Fostering Inclusive Cultures Through Innovative Diversity And Mentorship Strategies

Dr. Maya Rmeity
Founder & CEO, Prosperise MENA

As the visionary Founder of Prosperise MENA, Dr. Maya Rmeity has, through bold leadership and an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, set a new standard for businesses in the GCC. Dr. Maya is redefining corporate cultures, inspiring strategic mentorship, and delivering innovative DEI solutions that empower individuals and transform industries from the inside out.

Throughout a long corporate career, Dr. Maya experienced firsthand the challenges of unconscious bias and stereotypes. Particularly, as she rose to leadership roles in male-dominated industries, these obstacles revealed a deeper issue rooted in organizational culture, one that lacked genuine inclusivity. Recognizing this, she made a pivotal decision to shift her career focus, not as a retreat, but as a strategic move to advocate more inclusive workplace environments. Her passion became driving cultural change at every level of the organization.

This turning point led her to pursue a doctorate in diversity and inclusion, where she deepened her understanding of how to transform workplace cultures. Through her work with UN Women, Dr. Maya understood that fostering an inclusive culture requires active engagement from leadership and middle management alike. She realized that inclusion is not just a top-down initiative, but more of a multi-stakeholder engagement. It is about embedding equity into the very fabric of the organization, ensuring that every individual feels seen, heard, and valued.

Embarking in an engaging interaction with Women Entrepreneur Review magazine, Dr. Maya shares her bold vision for DEI and reflects on her journey of perseverance and impact. Let’s delve into it.

Advice for aspiring women entrepreneurs and business leaders:

Believe in your mission and the power of purpose to create change. Surround yourself with mentors for guidance, stay resilient, and trust in your vision - the impact of your work can go far beyond what you imagine.

My goal is to ignite a passion in companies to create real, lasting change and to prove that diversity, equity, and inclusion are the catalysts for meaningful impact and innovation

What inspired you to establish Prosperise MENA? Could you elaborate on its primary areas of expertise?

While consulting for the UN Women GCC Liaison Office and collaborating with various regional and local organizations, I observed a strong commitment from Leadership to promoting equitable opportunities and creating inclusive ecosystems.

However, this momentum frequently stalled at middle management, where the true operationalization of DEI happens. A recent study showed that 67 percent of middle managers struggle to implement DEI strategies effectively. This disconnect poses a significant challenge to making real progress.

Prosperise was founded in 2023 to bridge this gap, particularly considering the pressing need to reinvent work culture in the wake of COVID-19, by empowering middle managers with the tools they need to translate high-level DEI goals into actionable strategies. We support our partners creating a compelling story for refining a conscious inclusive culture from the strategy to communication, engaging workshops, mentorship programs and learning pathways so that inclusion becomes the DNA.

"A recent study showed that 67 percent of middle managers struggle to implement DEI strategies effectively. This disconnect poses a significant challenge to making real progress"

What are your main roles and responsibilities? What are your key focus areas for driving growth within the company?

As CEO, I lead with a clear strategic vision to craft transformative DEI solutions tailored to each organization’s unique needs, because there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to diversity and inclusion. My experience as a former consultant with UN Women has been invaluable in this role, allowing me to walk side-by-side with organizations, starting from a thorough root cause analysis, engaging all stakeholders to identify key barriers, such as unconscious bias or cultural gaps.

In terms of driving growth, I focus on partnering with global and regional leaders who share our values, ensuring that we co-create solutions that are culturally relevant and impactful across the MENA region.

In your experience as a DEI advisor, what are some of the most critical challenges you face? What strategies do you implement to address and overcome these challenges?

One of the biggest challenges I encounter as a DEI advisor is working with companies that see diversity

and inclusion as a 'tick-the-box' exercise. It’s crucial to partner with organizations ready to go beyond surface-level initiatives and embrace deeper cultural change.

For example, in a recent project, they initially wanted only some DEI workshops without addressing the underlying biases. After several months of resistance, we have refined a comprehensive DEI strategy that included reviewing their policies and practices, curating leadership training and cross-cultural workshops which led to a 30% increase in employee engagement performance within 12 months. By co-creating a strong communication and change strategy with stakeholders, I help organizations see the long-term benefits of genuine DEI initiatives that go beyond compliance and foster real, inclusive growth.

Reflecting on your professional journey, what are the most significant milestones you have achieved?

I’m proud of several key accomplishments in my career. Completing my Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) during the COVID-19 pandemic was a personal triumph that reinforced my resilience and adaptability. Balancing demanding academic work with my responsibilities as a mother during such challenging times was no small feat, but it strengthened my commitment to grow.

A major milestone in my career was leading a transformative three-year project with UN Women's Entrepreneurship Flagship Program. Following an in-depth research study I conducted on the challenges and opportunities faced by female entrepreneurs in the UAE, I was entrusted with designing and implementing a capacity-building program that equipped over 2,000 women across the region with advanced entrepreneurial skills and business acumen, enabling them to access new market opportunities. I also championed inclusive recruitment, retention, and procurement strategies, facilitating connections between these entrepreneurs and potential buyers. This initiative not only catalyzed the growth of women-led businesses but also fostered systemic change, encouraging organizations to actively support female talent both within their workforce and across the broader business ecosystem.

Co-founding Impactiv, a social enterprise dedicated to equipping youth with employability skills, is another significant milestone. Mentoring young people has been deeply fulfilling, as it has expanded my awareness, helped me recognize areas for personal growth, and gave me a sense of purpose: empowered the next generation to thrive in the workforce.

What has been your success mantra over the years?

Resilience and collaboration have always been at the core of my success mantra.

Resilience has kept me grounded during challenges. It is ingrained in my identity as a Lebanese and has influenced my strong sense of purpose. And collaboration has allowed me to achieve greater impact by leveraging diverse perspectives whether from stakeholders, peers and partners.

A business leader you admire:

I admire Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, for her visionary leadership, her openness to vulnerability, and her ability to drive meaningful change within the organization. Additionally, Rohini Anand, my mentor and the former Global Diversity Officer of Sodexo, has profoundly influenced the DEI landscape by revolutionizing the company’s diversity and inclusion strategy. I feel fortunate to know her personally and have witnessed the significant impact she has made in this field.

Dr. Maya Rmeity, Founder & CEO, Prosperise MENA

Dr. Maya Rmeity received her executive doctorate in business administration from Saint Joseph University of Beirut and Université Paris Dauphine with a focus on strategic management and diversity and inclusion. Her background includes DEI projects with Nokia KSA, Sodexo, Emirates Global Aluminum, Schneider Electrics, in addition to consulting for UN Women and other organizations in the GCC and MENA countries.