Dr. Anshumala Shukla Kulkarni: Catalysing Change In Approaching Women's Health


Dr. Anshumala Shukla Kulkarni: Catalysing Change In Approaching Women's Health

Dr. Anshumala Shukla Kulkarni: Catalysing Change In Approaching Women's Health

Dr. Anshumala Shukla Kulkarni
Head Minimally Invasive Gynaecology, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital

Strangely, we don’t realise that women’s health is never at a 100 percent. It all starts at the tender age of 10 in the present days, and then the issues persist forever. From mood swings and cramps to PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid disorders, premenstrual syndrome and postmenopausal syndrome; the list goes on. What’s even more strange is that, most of the issues are somehow related to their reproductive health, and every other woman you come across is battling it. Their problems are often ignored counting to normalcy. But, to all these wonder women, Gynaecologists are the solace for compassionate care – who understands a female journey intimately. Join Women Entrepreneur Magazine as we uncover the stories of some noteworthy gynaecologists. In the spotlight today, we have Dr. Anshumala Shukla Kulkarni.

Throw some light on your background and industry experience.

I grew up watching many good doctors in my family, which inspired me to pursue medicine. My parents were not doctors but they emphasized the importance of studies from the start. After specializing in gynaecology at Mumbai's KEM Hospital, Seth GS Medical College, I was interested in minimal invasive surgery in India around '95.

After earning my MD in 2002, I was drawn to this field for its positive and pain-free patient outcomes. I pursued further training in Singapore and Australia, focusing on applying minimal access surgery in gynaecology. Although I wanted to upskill myself overseas, I wanted to use my knowledge in India, for the people here and the country’s development. Returning to India in 2007, I focused on raising awareness and skill in minimal access surgery, including laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and robotic surgery. The past 17 years, when I look back, it is all rewarding despite the long hours, global travel, and extensive studies.

Tell us about the expertise that you bring to the table.

Over time, I've broadened the application of minimal access surgeries across various gynaecological procedures. Now, surgeries for fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterus removal, and endometriosis can be performed without resorting to large incisions, mitigating prolonged hospital stays and postoperative discomfort for patients.

Expanding further, I've delved into excisional surgery for endometriosis, a specialized technique distinct from routine laparoscopy. Additionally, I've mastered single-incision surgery, conducting entire procedures through a single belly button incision, resulting in minimal scarring.

Moreover, my practice extends to V NOTES (Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery), utilizing a laparoscope through the vaginal canal, eliminating abdominal incisions. We are one of few world VNOTES society certified centres. Embracing the advancements, I've ventured into robot-assisted surgery—a high-definition, 3D-enabled technique with precise instruments that elevate the possibilities of minimal access surgery. I have even received the Diploma in Robotic surgery from society of European Robotic surgeons. And I’m also, the founder secretary of the Association of Gynecological Robotic Surgeons in India, having mentored numerous Robotic Surgeons across the country.

What are some of the most common ignorance and misconceptions surrounding women's health?

Endometriosis affects 25 percent of women globally, causing excruciating, incapacitating pain extending beyond menstrual periods. Unfortunately, it takes about seven years for accurate diagnosis due to the complexity of detection. Routine ultrasounds often miss hidden endometriosis. Educating women is paramount. We have initiated awareness campaigns online and at Kokilaben Hospital, establishing an endometriosis clinic.

Share any memorable story in your journey.

I recall a young woman, just 30, battled six years of failed pregnancies due to severe endometriosis. Despite multiple failed IVF attempts and four prior surgeries, her excruciating pain persisted. She sought to remove her uterus, exhausted by the suffering. It was a hard decision, but medically, it seemed necessary due to severe adenomyosis.

Prompt awareness, timely action & equitable access to healthcare is the need of the hour

The surgery was complex. Post-surgery, she was given hormone replacement therapy and adopted a child. Her joy today is palpable. Her choice to redefine her life, not just as a mother, but as a whole person is an inspiration itself. Women shouldn't be confined to motherhood alone. Their worth extends beyond. I advocate for this message, empowering women to embrace diverse aspects of life beyond childbirth.

What are the key challenges you encounter as a healthcare professional in India?

I'm fortunate to lead the minimal access gynaecology department at Kokilaben Hospital, equipped with top-notch facilities akin to international operating theaters. However, many gynaecologists face hurdles accessing quality sonologists, MRI consultants, labs, and OT setups, posing significant challenges. Amidst the daily bustle, continuous learning is a challenge. COVID change this by giving us virtual learning opportunities through online courses and conferences. Staying updated is pivotal in a rapidly evolving medical field. I conduct TLH workshops, nurturing aspiring gynaecologists in minimal access procedures, advocating for improved healthcare dissemination beyond metropolitan areas. Sharing knowledge effectively remains crucial. Teaching young doctors, mentoring fellows, and providing accessible learning opportunities can significantly enhance healthcare, especially in smaller cities where resources may be limited.

Dr. Anshumala Shukla Kulkarni, Head Minimally Invasive Gynaecology, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital

Dr. Shukla is a proficient healthcare professional. Her achievements include receiving the Outstanding Young Achiever Award for Minimal-Access Gynaecology at both Western zone and National levels from JCI (Junior Chamber International) in 2013. Outlook peer reviewed surgeon from year 2013 to 2023. She was even voted as most Inspiring Gynaecologist in Western India by Economic Times.

Dr. Shukla has been an esteemed faculty member at AAGL and IAGE Annual Conferences, conducting live Robotic workshops. She attributes her growth to (L) Rakesh Sinha, whose mentorship and influence remains profound even after his passing in 2016, and also her supportive parents & husband Dr. Arvind Kulkarni, who is a prominent Spine surgeon in India. India. She started the Robotic Gynecology surgery program in 2012 at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and is also the Founder Secretary of Association of Gynecology Robotic Surgeons. Dr. Shukla is mentor to Robotic Surgeons across India. She is an Endometriosis Excision Surgeon with the First Endometriosis focused clinic in Western India and also a DNB Gynecology teacher and Mentor for ICOG minimal Invasive gynecology surgery fellowship.