
Dipali Sikand: A Prominent Industry Stalwart Delivering Promising Results Across Creative Engagement Solutions Domain
Dipali Sikand
Founder, Club Concierge
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly! As the curtain dropped declaring the end of a scene, Dipali Sikand not only made a graceful exit to gear up for her next act but stunned her audience with a palpable performance. From a strained marriage to a single mother and phenomenal entrepreneur, Dipali rose from her ashes to soar high just like a phoenix and carved herself as a profound industry leader brick by brick. Dipali's personal experience while juggling hours to take care of his professional life and look after her baby at the same time, compelled her to ultimately lay the foundation of the finest Employee Work/Life benefits provider and award-winning loyalty and engagement platforms Club Concierge and many more. Going through financial constraints, economic upheavals, and personal losses, to emerge as a quintessence entrepreneur holding more than 22 years of experience across the creative engagement solutions domain, Dipali found her solace in the stress-free happy faces knowing that no matter what, their concierge was at work, ensuring their to-do lists were taken care of. When asked about how she manages to go on, despite facing so much in her life, the brave-heart replies, "I am a survivor, not a victim. Victims, fatalists, dramatists make excuses, but leaders deliver results."
A prodigious leader for whom ambiguities and excuses are nothing but mere words, Dipali engages in an exclusive interaction with Women Entrepreneur.
Highlight the distinctiveness of Club Concierge. How is it currently positioned in the market?
Club Concierge designs some of the world's foremost customer, partner, dealer experience and engagement programs. I am proud to tell you that Club Concierge recently has been chosen as one of Asia's Greatest Brands 2016, (by Asiaone, process reviewed by Pricewater Coopers) for its disruptive, innovative work. I was privileged to have also been chosen as Asia's top Business Leader by the same process for the work done at Club Concierges. Today, along with its own seasoned team of creative and brilliant leaders, service innovators, designers and experienced specialists, Club Concierge is the partner to longstanding clients such as realme Tata, Godrej and more.
What motivates you and keeps you going as an industry leader?
If I had not faced these challenges, I would never have been able to create my success stories. My journey of the ups and downs has been so addictive that it ultimately favored my need to create more companies by taking more initiatives that deliver strong values. I will share my 4 P's which helped me in getting started with the great adventure of building businesses and realizing my dreams. The first one is `Passion with A Purpose'; while you love what you build, ensure every step you take in building your business is taken with the idea that the value you are creating is measurable. Then comes `Personalisation', which is about recognizing your customers. The third one is `Perspective', as the world today is about innovation and creativity. And lastly, `Profit Is King'; regardless of your bias, the one part of your business you cannot delegate to someone else is the vigilant focus on generating profit. Profit is oxygen.
“All the ladies, who are either entrepreneurs or to be entrepreneurs, should remember that, `revenue or gmv is vanity, profit is sanity, and cash is king”
Share about Mindscapes, your novel venture and a unique platform designed for individuals & groups to inspire creativity, drive change and achieve a greater outcome.
For minds that seek to soar, Mindescapes is an immersive ecosystem that sparks creativity, drives change, accelerates personal growth and builds a unique community of ideators. It is a meeting place for minds to explore, experience, collaborate and co-create and ultimately give birth to Eureka moments that can transform the world, within naturally stimulating, visually appealing and relaxing breakthrough centers that offer scenic views, wellness services, guided sleep, nutritious food, engaging activities, masterclasses and much more. Whatever your mission, our immersive ecosystem will drive you towards ever-greater outcomes by bringing together ideators, creators, innovators, movement-makers and geniuses from all walks of life to strategize, socialize, ideate and co-create in a naturally stimulating environment and transform the dynamic of the working world.
What will be your advice to the women entrepreneurs who are striving to make it big in the industry?
All the ladies, who are either entrepreneurs or to be entrepreneurs, should remember that `Revenue or GMV is Vanity, Profit is Sanity, and Cash is King'. Almost, every day I read about a new start-up collapsing or raising more funds to stay afloat. The most crucial part of doing business is creating value or real profits which are truly tangible. Becoming an entrepreneur is the path you have chosen. So, be forewarned that this is the road less traveled, and the destination is limitless. Instead of traveling alone, surround yourself with
entrepreneurs who have already gone down the path as you are just starting to travel.
Dipali Sikand, Founder, Club Concierge
Dipali is the Founder of Les Concierges, Club Concierge MindEscapes and several other firms, all focused on one outcome: extraordinary engagement, incomparable services and enviable client successes. From dreaming up new solutions to ensuring success for the clients, Dipali has played a predominant role in solidifying their team as the premier provider of disruptive, creative engagement solutions domestically and internationally, across multi customer and business verticals.