
Deepali Sen: Developing Vigorous Steadiness In The Client's Relationship With The Money
Deepali Sen
Partner, Srujan Financial Advisers LLP
Filling the gaps of gender equality has become a new trend-setting topic. Though even today, most people do not desire to see women on the decision-making table, still, women are proving themselves by breaking the chains that are tying them since many years. The female consultants are bringing in change by proving that women can handle the finances better. Here is Deepali Sen, a female leader in financial consultancy segment, sharing her involvement in becoming a forerunner of her company and leading it to heights.
CEO Insights interviewed Deepali Sen (Partner), Srujan Financial Advisers LLP.
Kindly Enumerate On The Inception Story Of Your Company.
Srujan is a Sanskrit word which means ‘to create’, following this, the vision statement of our company Srujan Financial Advisers LLP is, ‘Creating Money-Life Balance’. The team works in the direction of creating a balance between the money, the client possesses and the life they lead through that.
Srujan Financial Advisers develops a vigorous steadiness in their relationship with the money. With a vast experience and knowledge of more than 22 years in the personal finance space, I recognized that growing this joy and peace of mind from one’s money is not necessarily pertinent to the quantity of money an individual has.
Srujan Financial Advisers strongly believe that the clients’ behavior is the key catalyst/hurdle to evolution and that if we speak in a commonsensical manner and engage with womenfolk of the family, the commitment towards the impending change gets intensified.
What Were The Major Challenges That You Encountered During The Establishment Of Your Firm And How Has Your Journey Been So Far?
The major challenge I faced was in terms of poor financial awareness amongst individuals. The majority of them felt they had no requirement for a consultant and that they had a great deal of time to fi x their financials. The other challenge I confronted is the sloppiness of monetary information. Many people battle to order their key financial information like resources, liabilities, incomes and objectives. This prompts pointless deferral and avoidable holes in the recommendations.
“The vision statement of our company srujan financial advisers llp is, ‘creating money-life balance’”
Tell Us About Srujan Financial Along With Its Services. How Do You Uniquely Run The Functions Of The Company?
Srujan Financial Advisers LLP was founded in October 2012. We offer Mutual fund advice and distribution across all types of clients, single, married, divorced, widowed, retired, working couples. Women clients are closest to my heart. I realize that wherever a woman is involved in the budgeting, investing and planning exercise for the family, the success and the accountability of the plan goes up greatly. I take pride in stating that while planning for my family I avoid overcomplicated and opaque financial products. I try to walk the talk. My clients take exposure only in those products which I would invest in.
At the firm we offer two unique capabilities-simplicity and execution.
As A Woman In Leadership, How Are You Influencing And Inspiring Others In And Around Your Professional And Personal Stratum? Also, How Do You Manage To Maintain The Balance Between Your Personal And Professional Life?
As a woman, I understand we are the determiners of the speed of progress. On the off chance that women are locked in, the viability of the arrangement and its effect is profoundly established. I firmly concur with this Chinese saying, ‘When sleeping women wake, mountains shall move’.
By involving women in discussions and decisions on individual money matters, the change in the space of their personal finance habits gets catalyzed. I fi re on numerous barrels, beginning with the house servants, nudging my customers to urge home creators to participate in the call/meeting to budgetary issues. Assume control over money matters than leave it to their dads, spouses and siblings.
Where Is Srujan Financial Positioned In Current Financial Services And What Are Your Thoughts On The Present Scenario And Future Of These Industries?
The sky is the only limit for expansion and reach. I think we all are surrounded by financially ill and illiterate people, people who have lopsided exposure to real estate, gold or FDs, have inadequate life and medical insurance, do not have a will in place, they save not invest, don’t budget their expenses, spend indiscriminately, don’t plan for their future goals, invest huge amounts in close-ended and expensive insurance cum investment plans, take loans readily, etc. Our only bottleneck towards exponential growth is reaching out to them through group meetings and seminars, to elaborate to them through simple lucid tales of investors.
Do You Have Any Advice Or Suggestions In Mind For Other Peers Or Women Who Seek To Fulfil Similar Dreams In The Realm Of Technology Or The World In General?
Few simple thoughts, Choose this as a career only if it excites you and challenges you. DO NOT choose it as an elimination choice.
When you start, don't pass judgment on yourself in a rush about how you are getting along. Recollect that every individual knows somebody who could be a possible customer for you. Continue building pipelines. Let setbacks not drag your energies down. Continuously help yourself to remember this Winston Churchill quote, ‘Achievement comprises of going from inability to disappointment without loss of excitement’.
Eventually, we are on par with what we trust ourselves to be.
Deepali Sen, Partner, Srujan Financial Services LLP
An expert in financial services, Deepali has completed her MBA specializing in Finance from MONIRBA, university of Allahabad. Prior to Srujan she has experience of working in Axis Asset Management Company Ltd, ICICI Prudential AMC Ltd, Franklin Templeton Investments and more. Deepali is currently serving her duties as the key partner in SRUJAN FINANCIAL SERVICES LLP.
Office: Mumbai