
Bijal Chitroda: A Scrupulous Market Researcher Helping Clients Make Better Business Decisions
Bijal Chitroda
Founder, Voxpopulii
When used efficiently, consumer data is akin to digital gold. While today’s plethora of widely used digital channels have data explosion, yet it is critical to lever-age this information to gain actionable insight. Judicious and knowledgeable market researchers do exactly that. According to Market Research whiz Bijal Chitroda, the aim of Market Research is always to discover the best solution to a business or marketing difficulty. Armed with over 15 years of relevant industry experience Bijal has founded VoxPopulii, a Market Research firm that provides insights to customers to help them make better decisions. Based in Pune, the startup specializes in Quantitative research and has adopted the collaborative approach to drive smart business decisions.
Bijal comes armed with a degree in Electronics and Tele-communications and an MBA in Marketing and Finance. Her previous industry experience, along with the advent of the digital world, sparked her interest in Market Research. As the founder of VoxPopulii, she takes care of advanced statistical analysis, syndicated research services, customer satisfaction surveys, and multiple other services.
The Women Entrepreneur Magazine team interviewed Bijal, the driving force behind VoxPopulii and delved deeper into understanding her industry expertise and leadership thoughts.
Give us an overview of VoxPopulii and the various specializations that the firm is known for?
VoxPopulii, founded in September 2017, is a Market Research firm that provides marketing research services to customers to help them make better decisions.
The aim of Market Research is always to discover the best solution to a business or marketing difficulty. As a result, no Market Researcher is typically pigeonholed within a particular field of expertise. Accordingly, VoxPopulii guarantees that their services are comprehensive and seamless. Despite our specialization in Quantitative esearch, we collaborate closely with partner agencies on behalf of our clients. In fact, when we work with other organizations, we prosper. We collaborate closely with our global partner Mobile Measure in particular. This guarantees that our focus is always on our customers!
Take us through your early educational journey and prior industry experience that you bring to the table. What motivated you to venture into the field of quantitative research?
I completed BE in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Maharashtra Institute of Technology, as well as an MBA in Marketing and Finance from Symbiosis Institute of Business Management. Through the University of Georgia, I also completed a course called Principles of Marketing Research – an online certificate program.
Prior to founding VoxPopulii, I worked with Nielsen in various roles across client servicing, business development, back-end client service support, data processing, Global services, setup of Global support centers for key clients, management and people development. But before narrowing down to Market Research I’ve worked with the media industry (Bennett & Coleman) and as a software engineer (Tata Unisys) as well. I also founded Jeev. I am now the founder of VoxPopulii.
During my B School days, I worked on a Market Research study with Reuters over the summer. In addition, as an engineer/software developer, I had a natural understanding of how logic, mathematics, statistics, and structure influenced decision-making. Furthermore, the comprehensive board room presentations that I worked on during my client servicing days at Nielsen piqued my interest in Market Research even more. Moreover, the growing “Data” world has only served to strengthen the course. VoxPopulii is also becoming increasingly popular as a source of data-driven analytics.
Throw some light on the various roles and responsibilities that you currently shoulder at voxpopulii. What are some of the most challenging aspects of leading the organisation? How do you overcome them?
Among the various roles and responsibilities that I currently hold are designing and executing Ad hoc bespoke studies, offering advanced statistical analyses such as Segmentation studies, Concept Test studies, U&A studies, and Brand Performance studies. I also provide syndicated research services such as Précis Prophecy – its design, execution, analysis, and reporting. We offer Customer Satisfaction Surveys as well as the design, implementation, and upkeep of the CX360 system. Vox-Populii undertakes Data support functions for globally recognized organizations, such as Data Processing, Statistical analysis, Chart and Line checking, and Scripting.
VoxPopulii works with freelancers. The challenge here is to constantly be able to deliver the appropriate manpower in accordance with the customer's requirements while also ensuring continuity. We always guarantee that there is a ready pool of personnel that are approachable and eager to offer their all to the task at hand.
“My leadership philosophy is to begin at the outset. Prioritize the needs. Then, once you've gained some traction, you may explore the huge field of potential”
As a market researcher having a vast expertise, tell us about your most significant mile-stones that you have achieved so far. What has been your guiding leadership philosophy or mantra throughout your professional journey?
VoxPopulii has extremely satisfied Clients, Agency partners, and Freelancers. However, as a nascent entrepreneur and market researcher, I would like to quote Robert Frost who famously wrote, “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.”
My leadership philosophy is to begin at the outset. Prioritize the needs. Then, once you've gained some traction, you may explore the huge field of potential. When performing well becomes a habit, you will notice that even tougher things start seeming simple. And what was once beyond your reach is now within your grasp. I would like to quote some lines of Francis of Assisi: “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
Also, I make certain that I convey the same message to everyone I work with by encouraging, nudging, and being open about career chances!!
Drawing from your experience as a successful business leader what would your advice be to young women and girls aspiring to become business leaders and entrepreneurs in the future?
When I established VoxPopulii, I was determined to give it my all. I remember the maxim, and continue on my way. If you're short on time, divide the work, and the rewards, but always give it your best.
Entrepreneurship necessitates long-term commitment. So, the advice I have for you is to add endurance to your quest for success!! Never, ever quit. Accept all work offers and be versatile, but keep the primary goal in mind at all times. Create and maintain a network while maintaining a healthy work culture and a focus on the consumer. Make a strong impression of yourself as a woman who not only takes business seriously, but also understands and thrives in it.
Bijal Chitroda, Founder, Voxpopulii
Bijal comes armed with a degree in Electronics and Telecommunications and an MBA in Marketing and Finance. Her previous industry experience, along with the advent of the digital world, sparked her interest in Market Research. As the founder of VoxPopulii, she takes care of advanced statistical analysis, syndicated research services, customer satisfaction surveys, and multiple other services.