Aparna Sharma: Marketing Whizz Surmounting Every Aspect Of Professional Life


Aparna Sharma: Marketing Whizz Surmounting Every Aspect Of Professional Life

Aparna Sharma: Marketing Whizz Surmounting Every Aspect Of Professional Life

Aparna Sharma
Founder, Clickworkzz

We live in a hyper digitized world today. Right from ordering groceries, consulting with doctors to making big ticket purchases, everything can be done online. Consumers of today are thus spoilt for choices; they can cherry pick the brands that they like and enjoy with much ease. This in turn has created a Catch 22 situation for brands. While digital mediums provide them with an effective means to connect with consumers yet building a strong digital presence is no simple feat.

Helping brands traverse through the complex digital landscape is Clickworkzz, a digital marketing and influencer marketing firm. At the helm of affairs is Aparna Sharma, an ace marketer and entrepreneur par excellence. The perceptive leader believes that the pandemic has aided digital marketing gain massive ground across the globe. Building on this mo-mentum, she intends to empower smaller brands make it big in this competitive era. By leveraging her expertise, she has cultivated a clientele that goes beyond Dubai based brands but also includes several global names as well.

Similar to how Aparna transforms brands’ online presence, she also transformed her life by foraying into the professional world after years of being a housewife. The resolute entrepreneur is a shining exemplar of how women today can have it all.

In an in-depth conversation with the Women Entrepreneur Magazine team, Aparna speaks to us about Clickworkzz, her views of digital marketing and her words of wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Introduce Us To Your Brainchild, Clickworkzz. What Are The Various Roles And Responsibilities That You Play Within The Organization?

Clickworkzz is a marketing agency that specializes in influencer marketing. We are completely dedicated to lifting customers higher than ever. We are focused on utilizing even the tiniest bit of information, optimizing client’s resources and leveraging the latest technological advancements. We also believe in complete transparency, something that’s evident from our project reports. Our goal is to cater to every brand out there who is willing to stay true to itself and market itself for what it truly is. Paid pro-motions or organic, every client is equal to us. This is probably why, over the years, not only brands in Dubai but across the globe trust us completely.

I’m the founder of Clickworkzz and am backed by a dedicated team that works tirelessly towards achieving the company goals. I currently oversee the functioning of all our offerings, right from SEO and Social Media to Web Design and Digital Marketing. Each vertical has its share of experts and I spearhead the company as a whole. I’m also focused on expansion, business strategy, and client onboarding. I have a simple philosophy - work hard, stay true to yourself, and the rest shall follow.

Take us through your early educational journey and prior industry experience that you bring to the table. What motivated you to specialize in the realm of influencer marketing?

I completed my BA from Kurukshetra University, following which I was married off into a traditional household. I’ve been a housewife for a major part of my life and life always had its ups and downs which I dealt with, head on. We’ve all seen our share of tough times, so did I. however, I simply refused to surrender. I have always been resolute, driven, self-assured and strong.

As my children grew up I began to realize the im-portance of living my life, my way. I knew that if I had the potential to take on what life throws at me, I could definitely take on the corporate field too. Noticing the surge in the digital market and wanting to help small-er brands make it big in this competitive era, I chose to step into a digital and influencer marketing agency with Clickworkzz.

“I knew that if i had the potential to take on what life throws at me, i could definitely take on the corporate field too”

In your opinion how has the digital marketing industry evolved lately, especially in the Dubai region? What trends do you see developing in the industry going forward?

2020 has been a tough year for businesses. While some shut down, others went digital during the pan-demic in an attempt to reach their customers with positivity and product/service advertising.

Staying at home was the norm which is why people spent a lot of time on the internet which in turn brought a surge in the number of users on probably every platform. Digital marketing began to grow and how! Now even as we go back to the pre-covid life, there’s a digital market landscape that’s bigger than ever. It’s a great time for digital stores offering essentials online. People have explored online shopping and in spite of being able to go back to malls there’s no denying that shopping online is here to stay!

In a world where change is the only constant, how do you keep yourself well aligned with the periodic evolutions occurring in the industry and the technology domain?

Change is inevitable, and just like we’ve come this far, learning and evolving, that’s what I shall continue doing for years to come. When we were younger we had no technology, but today, we can barely lift a finger without it. I learnt from my kids, my team members, and everyone else who was more than happy to support me on this entrepreneurial journey.

I read, do my research, subscribe to platforms that share the latest updates, analyze what we need to grasp and what we can do away with. For anything that’s too overwhelming for me to do, I’m backed by a powerful team that’s always willing to stay on top of things when we mean business.

As a successful business leader what would your advice be to young women aspiring to become business leaders and entrepreneurs in the future?

It’s of utmost importance that you take care of your-self. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, but make sure that you don't wear yourself out. When you're running your own business, it's really easy to forget to clock out. The days of 9-5 are long gone for you (if you're successful), but remember to separate work and play. Don't let your business take over your life. You may have to put in extra hours at the beginning to get your endeavour off the ground, but in the long run, be sure to watch your time management so you maintain a work-life balance and have time to keep LIVING.

Aparna Sharma, Founder, Clickworkzz

Aparna Sharma, an ace marketer and entrepreneur par excellence. The perceptive leader believes that the pandemic has aided digital marketing gain massive ground across the globe. Building on this momentum, she intends to empower smaller brands make it big in this competitive era. By leveraging her expertise, she has cultivated a clientele that goes beyond Dubai based brands but also includes several global names as well.

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