
Anna Arlorio: A Leader Helping TMT Businesses With A Perfect Business Strategy To Grow & Excel
Anna Arlorio
Partner, Delta Partners
When it comes to creating a successful business, we often take four basic elements into consideration: design, human resource, customer and funding mechanism. However, one of the most critical elements for any business is the ideation of a successful strategy that can significantly help promote respective products & services. Delivering to all, such successful business strategy inclusive of advisory & investment consultation is Anna Arlorio, Partner at Delta Partners- one of the leading Strategy Consulting company specialized in TMT (Telecom, Media, and Tech) industry.
Anna comes armed with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a M.Sc. in International Management. Though, her professional advent counts in experience from market research industry at the set-off, but her adroitness grounds in management consulting (entirely focused on the Telco, Media and Technology industry), as she has been in the field for over 13 years now. Anna has worked with clients across a range of geographies, including Europe, South East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Central America, Russia, the CIS countries, and more.
Giving Us A Brief Overview Of Delta Partners, Delineate The Important Features Of Your Expertise As A Business Leader In The TMT Business Strategy Consulting Market?
Delta Partners Group is a boutique management consulting company, focused on the telecom, media and technology sector. I've spent my entire business career working as a consultant in the TMT sector, advising mainly C-level Telecom clients across the globe on the TMT industry. Thence, leveraging the key element of my global exposure, I have been helping Delta Partners grow as a company and also teaching & coaching the employees of our company become experienced leaders themselves in the same sector, whenever time comes. Specifically in the last few years I have been focusing on Big Data & Analytics, and have even been advising our clients on different business matters through my team of data scientists.
Tell Us About Some Of The Major Challenges That You Encountered During The Journey So Far At Delta Partners And Also, How Did You Overcome Them?
Being a Partner at our consulting company has been challenging and exciting at the same time. Here, I have many responsibilities to fulfil not only towards myself, but towards the whole company and its employees. Not only do I have to ensure to do my duty towards bringing business to the company in order to hire more people and grow across different geographies, but simultaneously I also have to carry out my responsibilities towards every member of the company taking care of their career development & personal growth. Hence, I think putting in only 100 percent of your efforts isn’t enough, so I try putting in my 150 percent in order to ensure that everyone is happy and business is also growing alongside. It’s my passion and hard work behind my accomplishments that have been helping me succeed overcoming all the challenges.
As One Adroit Partner At Delta Partners, How Do You Drive Growth Within The Organization? What Are Some Critical Leadership Philosophies That You Follow?
As mentioned earlier, I have been greatly involved in leading our Analytics practice at Delta Partners, and this has kept me busy over the last five years. What had started & developed from a team of zero has now reached to a team of over 30 Data Scientists. We have also attained the top-notch expertise in the new trending Big Data & Analytics, and it has helped us differentiate from other management consulting companies.
“My leadership philosophy has always been to let the team experiment, express creatively and grow themselves, and it has been helping us drive our business growth women”
This practice has a great future and being data-driven allows brilliant people with strong skills to come together and unleash their bent towards developing and creating new concepts and new products on an ongoing basis. My leadership philosophy has always been to let the team experiment, express creatively and grow themselves, and it has been helping us drive our business growth too.
How Has Your Journey Been As A Global Business Leader So Far? How Do You Keep Yourself Well Aligned With The Periodic Evolutions Occurring In The Industry And The Tech World?
Given the exclusivity of my role at Delta Partners, the journey has been extremely rewarding, particularly because I had the chance to work and interact with global leaders from around the world. This is what motivates me on a daily basis. However, since the COVID 19 pandemic hit, our modus operandi changed. While earlier I used to travel to two to three different countries every week to work with our clients, the travel has greatly reduced. But, because we interact with very senior clients that are leading big organizations, I'm able to keep myself up to date with what's happening in the global Telecom industry holding stimulating conversation with them, including other mediums too.
How Do You Manage To Strike A Balance Between Your Personal And Professional Pursuits? Any Activities Or Hobbies You Indulge Into Your Free Time?
I have recently become a mother of twins who are eight months old now. I try to spend all the free time that I have with them in order to be as present as possible. Since the nature of my job is very demanding, I try to be as focused as possible at work so that I can complete it early and maximize my family time. Also, I hope that the COVID 19 pandemic has taught us that a more flexible working model is possible. It has become easier for us to balance between our personal lives with the professional, especially for women in general comparative of past.
To mention of my hobbies, I like to play sports, especially kite surfing whenever there is a nice wind, and since I live in Dubai, beach side is the best for it. Gymming is another one of my go-to activities in my free time.
What Advice Would You Give To The Young Women Who Also Aspire To Become Business Leaders Or Entrepreneurs In The Future?
Follow your passion, because if you do something that you really love to do, you can actually excel. Additionally, be confident about you endeavours and put in not only 100 percent instead 150 percent of hard work to execute it.
Anna Arlorio, Partner, Delta Partners
She is an experienced Management Consulting professional with a demonstrated history of working in the Telecom, Media & Technology industry. Currently, she is focusing on helping clients leveraging AI & ML capabilities to generate business impact.