Alaa Eltom: Epitome Of Trust Focusing On Agile & Proactive Legal Solution


Alaa Eltom: Epitome Of Trust Focusing On Agile & Proactive Legal Solution

Alaa Eltom: Epitome Of Trust Focusing On Agile & Proactive Legal Solution

Alaa Eltom Legal
Director, Deliveroo, Deliveroo

Imagine navigating a terrain blindfolded. That's what running a business can feel like without a strong legal leader by your side. In today's complex business world, legal expertise is a necessity. Simply put, legal leaders are strategic guardians who shield the company from risks, ensure compliance, and empower sound decision-making. It is now the time to celebrate powerful women who are helping businesses navigate the complexities of business law. Be ready to be inspired by the insights of one such leader, Alaa Eltom, Legal Director at Deliveroo.

Can you tell us about your formative years and what led you to pursue a career in law?

My upbringing was quite diverse, thanks to my dad's job as a physician that took us to various locations, from the Arabian Gulf to Europe. Having spent many years in Saudi exposed me to various cultures and people, fostering an open-minded and curious approach to life. Meeting people from all corners of the world taught me to be open-minded and curious. Even though we traveled a lot, we always spent summers back home in Sudan, which kept me grounded and connected to my roots.

As for my career choice, I always had an interest in the legal profession from a young age. Seeing barristers in action sparked an interest in the profession's intellect and advocacy. I considered other things like History and English, but in the end, law felt like the perfect fit for my desire to make a difference. Studying at Oxford with amazing legal minds just fueled my passion even more. So, while it all started with a bit of childhood fascination, it turned into a real desire to pursue justice and become a lawyer.

Beyond strategic legal solutions, building trust is the cornerstone of excellent legal practice

Looking back on your 10-year career, what moments stand out as turning points or successes? What's your success mantra?

I don't focus on grand accolades or milestones. Instead, I cherish the daily interactions where clients and colleagues come to me for guidance, trusting my expertise and judgment. These small wins, where I can help others brainstorm or navigate challenges, are what truly matter to me.

My success mantra is simply humility. When you consider yourself an expert, it's easy to forget to listen, be open-minded, and constantly learn. So, I remind myself to stay humble, put aside ego and preconceptions, and actively ask questions. This allows me to continue growing and learning, no matter my position or experience. It might be challenging, but it's crucial for staying grounded and successful.

What are some of the biggest challenges you've encountered in working with clients?

Over a decade in this field, as both a lawyer and a leader, I've found that the biggest hurdle is perception. People often see lawyers and law firms as stiff and formal, and sometimes even scary. This can be a real barrier, preventing clients from reaching out or feeling comfortable discussing their concerns.

The key to overcoming this, I believe, is building trust. Investing time and energy in building strong relationships with my clients is crucial. They need to understand what I do, that I'm an expert, and that I have their best interests at heart. It's challenging to shift long-held perceptions, and each client comes with their preconceived notions. Building trust takes time and effort, but it's essential for forming effective working relationships.

For me, this means actively listening, showing empathy, and being readily available. By taking the time to understand their needs and concerns, I can be a trusted advisor and build strong, lasting relationships with my clients. It's not easy, but it's worth it for the impactful partnerships it creates.

How do you see women's representation in law evolving in the UAE, and how can we encourage more women to enter the field?

While I acknowledge some stereotypes and challenges, I see immense opportunities for women in UAE law. To encourage and empower more women, I believe that formal and informal mentorship is crucial. Sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources, while opening professional networks, can significantly empower and support aspiring women. At Deliveroo, we actively promote mentorship and are proud of our diverse and inclusive legal team.

What advice would you offer aspiring women leaders and entrepreneurs?

Be proactive and speak up. Don't shy away from asking questions, be curious, and actively seek guidance. It's easy to passively follow the path, but taking initiative is key. Remember, even the most successful individuals started somewhere. Stay humble and learn continuously. Always assume there's something new to learn, be open to feedback, and strive to improve. This humility will make you a better lawyer and leader in the long run.

Alaa Eltom, Legal Director, Deliveroo

Having transitioned from private practice to an in-house role, Alaa thrives in both environments, approaching challenges with agility, innovation, and courage. She prioritizes building strong relationships, fostering open communication, and understanding the needs of her clients.