160 Years of Engineering & Research Excellence

160 Years of Engineering & Research Excellence

By: Rachita Sharma, Managing Editor | Thursday, 12 October 2023

Engineering is one of the most sought-after courses in India and an IIT is considered the Mecca for any aspiring engineers. Initially, India has only five recognized IITs. IIT Guwahati was added to the list in 1994 and IIT Roorkee joined the coveted rank in 2001.

However, IIT Roorkee which was initially called the College of Civil Engineering and was founded in 1854 by James Thomason, the Lieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces. The institute was Sesquicentennial in October 1996 and was converted to IIT on September 21, 2001 owing to an Ordinance issued by the Government of India declared it as the nation’s seventh Indian Institute of Technology.

Today, the institute is a seat of learning for higher technological education and in engineering, basic and applied research. One of the most reputed and prominent institutes of the country, it has played a key role in rendering requisite technical manpower and know-how to the country.

Several renowned and illustrious individuals have walked the hallowed halls of IIT Roorkee. Many even acknowledge the pivotal role played by the institution in their subsequent professional success. For instance, Sarika Malhotra, CEO, C3IT Software says, “IIT Roorkee has really helped me shape my leadership qualities. Decision-making for student activities and working with diverse crowds honed my ability to collaborate. The residential setting at IIT Roorkee exposed me to diverse viewpoints and taught me to live harmoniously with others enriched our overall development. I credit IIT Roorkee and so many other institutions where I have studied for shaping my leadership skills and fostering appreciation for diversity.”

Sarika's journey is an embodiment of resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to growth, wherein, her career harmonizes tech expertise, consulting, and entrepreneurship - a journey of learning fueled by my unwavering passion for tech and innovation.

The current edition of Women Entrepreneur magazine features women leaders who are alumnus of IIT Roorkee. Joining Sarika on the list is Mukta Gupta, Partner, Creators Architects. Mukta boasts over three decades of experience in the field of architecture. She was a certified evaluator for sustainable buildings by GRIHA in 2010. Mukta's profound connection to nature has consistently inspired her work, driving her passion for designing sustainable environments comprising buildings, landscapes, and open spaces. Her designs are known for their emphasis on rich textures, thoughtful material usage, and a strong commitment to sustainability.

Read more about these women leaders and their inspirational professional journey in the Indian business landscape.

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