Editor's Insights

India Home to More Women than Men for the First time in Recorded...
The future is female. And now we have statistics to back the claim. For the first...

Indian Automotive Industry enroute Fixing its Gender Disparity...
A few days back tyre manufacturer Ceat announced the launch of its very first all women...

Network - Building the Social Capital for...
A lone fighter isn’t meant for today’s business world. Though...
BY: Anamika Sahu, Managing EditorWorld Cancer Day & How Technology can Work Wonders
It’s World Cancer Day today. Hence let’s talk about where India stands in...
BY: Anamika Sahu, Managing EditorWhat 2021 Holds for Women Entrepreneurs
Without an ounce of doubt, coronavirus was the highlight of 2020. All focus...
BY: Anamika Sahu, Managing EditorStrengthening the Ecosystem & Economy - Tapping the Untapped Potential
The concept of women entrepreneurship is becoming a global phenomenon and it can be rightly said that they play an important role in building the ecosystem and strengthening the economy. Though in India, women had a late entry into the world of
BY: Anamika Sahu, Managing EditorWomen, Are you Facing Gender-Pay-Gap? Then Wear Your Shoes
Women empowerment and equality have been two buzz words of the past few years, more so in 2020. However, it is an open fact that despite more men speaking about it and few acting on them, women have to continue their war of equality. From personal
BY: Anamika Sahu, Managing EditorPick your Battles, Mompreneurs
It is said that the nation that invests in women are the happiest and most prosperous. There have been several measures by governments across the world to empower them and make them a major economic growth factor. Women too are breaking the stereotyp
BY: Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor