Editor's Insights

Indian Women Storytellers having a Moment in the International Film...
Earlier last year, Indian cinema touched new heights. Various Indian productions won...

Welcoming 2025: Here's to being Forthright & Courageous in the New...
Dear readers, the new year is finally here. As we welcome 2025, we are greeted with a...

Inspiring Women Cardiologists & their...
Women have always played a crucial role in the healthcare sector. Be it...
BY: Rachita Sharma, Managing EditorMeaningful Experiences & Tech Innovations taking Indian...
The WTTC report released in 2020 recognized hospitality and allied services...
BY: Rachita Sharma, Managing EditorHR Leaders Building Resilient & Engaged Workforces
“Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they...
BY: Rachita Sharma, Managing EditorWomen Power on the Rise in Asian Business Landscape
It has also been widely acknowledged that women’s equal participation in business, political and public life is beneficial for all. It has also been recognized as a marker for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
BY: Rachita Sharma, Managing EditorWomen are the Strong Pillars Supporting the Indian Healthcare Sector
Healthcare is one of the most important sectors for any community and is a critical marker for development of a nation. The global pandemic opened our eyes to the criticality of having a robust healthcare sector. India has taken a leaf from the pande
BY: Rachita Sharma, Managing EditorAn Urgent Need for Women to Foray as Surgeons Globally
Although women have been the backbone of the global healthcare sector, yet they are not adequately represented in the top echelons. The same phenomenon can be observed in the field of surgery. Globally only one third surgeons are women.
BY: Rachita Sharma, Managing Editor