9 JANUARY2024INFOCUSIndia has formed the "Global Alliance for Global Good- Gender Equity and Equality", a new alliance for global good and gender equality, announced during the World Economic Forum's 54th Annual Meeting in Davos. By bringing together global best practices, knowledge exchange, and investment opportunities in women's health, education, and enterprise, the alliance seeks to advance gender equality and women's empowerment. Klaus Schwab, the WEF Founder and Chairman has pledged his full support for the respective initiative.The G20 Leaders' Declaration and India's commitment to the cause of women-led development are the reasons behind this alliance. The alliance will expand upon and monitor the work of the Business20 and Women20 engagement groups, among other G20 groups by taking forward the commitments of G20 leaders and advancing the community at large.Union Minister Smriti congratulates WEF for supporting India, highlighting PM Modi's high growth rate, inflation control, food security, and overseas support, promoting global community benefits.According to Union Minister Hardeep Puri India has transitioned from women-centric to women-led development. Along with AI, conflicts, and climate change, one of the main topics of discussion at Davos, according to Schwab, is India. "We will not only support this alliance but will be a strong partner," he stated. In an election year, he also expressed gratitude to India for sending such a powerful delegation. Leaders in the industry including Mastercard, Uber, Tata, Godrej, Bayer, Novartis, IMD Laussane, and Serum Institute of India have all endorsed the alliance, along with over 10,000 other industry partners via CII. The CII Centre for Women Leadership will serve as the alliance's home and anchor, with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. INDIA FORMS NEW ALLIANCE FOR GENDER EQUALITY & WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT AT DAVOS 2024
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