4 JULY2022Editor NoteThe Rising Tide of Working Women in UAE Rachita SharmaSpecial EditorGrowth is often nonlinear. While moving towards an objective/agenda we might make a few strides forward only having to come back. However, this is the very nature of growth. Irrespective of the few setbacks, this constant movement eventually results in growth. The same phenomenon can be seen at play in the UAE. For centuries the Gulf Nation was known for its gender disparity and the gaping lack of women in the workforce, be it public or private. Yet the country has been taking several strides towards improving gender equality in various sectors. However, this path has not only always been as easy. There have been several setbacks owing to factors such as prevalent social structures, gender stereotypes, and more. Today the country has come at a juncture where 70 percent of all university graduates are women. According to a report by Statistica, the number of employed females in UAE in 2019 was 521, thousand. On the contrary the number of working men in the country was close to 4.57 million in the same time frame. Although. the number of working women in substantially lower than men, yet there has been a gradual rise in the number of working women. Data released by a UAE Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs (MFNCA) report observed that women make up 59 percent of the national UAE labour force market. Another report suggests that Emirati women hold 66 percent of public sector jobs, 40 percent in education, 35 percent in healthcare and 20 percent in the social sector. The 2017 World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report ranked the UAE as second highest among other countries in the region for making it easy for women to find a job.According to statistics, UAE now has over 52 female CEOs at the helm of large organizations from a variety of sectors such as BFSI, telecom, hospitality, consumer goods, healthcare, human resources. A report by Magnitt concluded that 11 percent of VC funding in the United Arab Emirates in the years 2021 was received by enterprises that had female-only founders and 13 percent investment went to enterprises with joint female and male founders. A March 2021 UAE also mandated that all listed companies must have at least one female board member. Although the implementation of the law has seen some challenges but it's a step in the right direction for sure. Women power is on the rise in the UAE and their growth although nonlinear is still great progress.We at Women Entrepreneur magazine thought it an opportune time to shine the spotlight on some such success stories. The current edition of the magazine presents to you a list of 10 illustrious women leaders who have risen to success as entrepreneurs and business leaders alike. We present to you their unique stories and introduce you to their perspective on leadership. Do let us know your thoughts.
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