19 March2022to see the positive changes in the lives of women, giving them self-confidence independence and achieving the status of breadwinners of their family.HOW DO YOU DRIVE GROWTH WITHIN BONSAI SOLUTIONS, WHAT IS YOUR LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHY.I truly believe that despite hierarchy, culture, race and ones ambience growing up, we are all `One'. Our organization structure has been very fluid. We have always provided platforms for growth. Bonsai acts as a school which gives an opportunity to the have-nots who have fires in their belly. They learn to hone their skills. We never encourage them to stay back if they are ready to fly. After successfully generating opportunities for over 15,000 to 18,000 placements over the years in different sectors, we can only thank this country, our clients and patrons for wholeheartedly supporting this unique platform. In many cases, candidates are absorbed in permanent positions in the industry itself, in which they have had an opportunity to contribute as temporary employees. At Bonsai, everything is centered about around the growth of an individual.HOW HAS YOUR JOURNEY AS A BUSINESS LEADER BEEN SO FAR?I'm a very intuitive leader, that's my style. You listen to that inner voice and that can never be wrong. It will always guide you to the right path. The journey has been fantastic, it has been a growth of an individual from me, myself to oneness, where everyone has to be taken care of like they are your own.HOW DO YOU KEEP YOURSELF WELL ALIGNED WITH PERIODIC EVOLUTIONS OCCURRING IN THE INDUSTRY IN THE TECH WORLD AS A WHOLE?This was a strange fact that, we as Branding consultants were not Online. We did not have a website till 2017! We believed in traditional marketing and referrals. And then came the game changer in the form of a program called Insight in 2016, by Isha learning Academy by Sadhguruji. This was a moment of awakening and bought us out of our self-created cocoon! This program also convinced us that that digital presence is the new disruption and has to be an integral part of our organization. We incorporated a digital division. During Covid pandemic, we had the foresight to start an e-Commerce platform, website development, SM handles and digital branding for our clients. We opened our eyes to innovation and strived to be on par with what is happening in the industry outside. It is extremely important to update and upgrade yourself with innovations. In your industry, attend conferences, upgrade your skills and be an eternal student.This event had another very practical life changing Module The Inner Engineering. I truly believe that Sadhguru is the most futuristic thinking individual, and we are blessed to have him. The program Inner Engineering gets you to be in touch with yourself. The core philosophy of I Am Responsible has become the only mantra of my life.What would you advice women aspiring to follow in your footsteps and become business leaders? I say this to every women. Understand your strength and weaknesses. Do your own SWOT analysis and work on yourself. Never ever compare yourself with anyone. God has given each one of us unique 0strengths and skills. For homemakers, there is nothing wrong in being a homemaker. You are the pillar of your house. There's no need to pull yourself down. If you get an opportunity to be out in the world, do that take the leap. The only limiting factor is you, putting yourself, in a box and restraining yourselves. You alone are responsible for yourself. You are the true Shakthi; the power is within you.
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