19 September2022expertise and specialization in these fields of law while achieving the best possible results for their business needs. This is what sets us apart from our competition. Throw some light on the various roles and responsibilities that you shoulder at the firm? What are some of the most pressing business challenges that you face in your current role and how do you mitigate these challenges?I am the Managing Director and Founding Partner of Anna Grigorieva & Co. LLC. My responsibilities are varied. On the one hand, I am in charge of the company's human resources -- managing, coaching, training, and motivating lawyers and other members of our team. On the other hand, I am in charge of the company's general operations. This includes business development and strategic planning for business growth, as well as ensuring that exceptional and comprehensive legal solutions are provided to meet the needs of our clients and that the company operates in accordance with all domestic, European, and international rules and regulations.Without a question, the last two years have been the most difficult and critical moment for any business. The COVID-19 epidemic has had a catastrophic economic impact, prompting some businesses to close their doors. I am pleased to report that, as AG Advocates, we were able to resolve this problem swiftly and smoothly. This was largely owing to the robust risk management procedures and stress testing in place ahead to the pandemic's breakout. As a consequence, our organisation has enough cash on hand at all times to cushion the effect of extraordinary and unusual risk occurrences. In this scenario, we were able to invest in high-level technical means that made communications and working at home more effective and efficient.What is your vision for Anna Grigorieva & Co. LLC's next growth phase?My current goal is to expand into new areas and establish new commercial ties on a global scale. As a result, we decided to go a step further and open an office in Dubai, UAE. Nonetheless, our dedication to our current clients remains our first priority, which is why we continue to grow and adapt to new technological procedures in order to provide timely client service. Drawing from your experience as a successful entrepreneur, what would your advice be to young women and girls who also aspire to become business leaders and entrepreneurs in the future?Young ladies must understand that success is not just determined by one's educational background. Certainly, having a good educational background is important, especially during your early steps in the profession. Nevertheless, what truly matters and will set you apart from your competition is your character strength. The commercial world is difficult and cutthroat, with no room for sensitivities and weaknesses -- especially for a young woman in such a male-dominated field. You must be tough and self-sufficient, work hard, and not be afraid to take chances. After all, success is earned, not gifted.
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